Lexi, the Valentine

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This year was the first year I was going to have a boyfriend on Valentine's Day.

I was having selective memories when it came to the time I was dating Alex. He just didn't count.

This year, this was the first proper time I'd have someone to be my Valentine. Sure, I'd given cards to people in my class before, and I probably had like a Valentine at one point that didn't really count. 

But this was the first year I actually cared. 

I'd done something super cheesy. I made him a mixtape. I'd put a bunch of songs we liked and ones that I thought fitted well for us. 

I'd never done a mixtape for anyone. I felt pretty silly. 

Blake was going to pick me up this morning to go to class, so I was going to give him right away and pray he'd be happy with it.  

When Blake's car parked in front of my house, I rushed out. 

Blake got out, a grin on his face and a rose in his hand, meeting me in front.

He bowed a little and offered the flower to me. "My lady," he said.

I chuckled, took it and hugged him. 

"I also have something for you," I told him, and gave him the CD.

"You made me a mixtape," Blake said with the biggest grin.

"Yes, you can make fun of me after you've listened to it," I told him, a little embarrassed and hid my face against his shoulder. Blake laughed, kissing the top of my head. 

Tyler walked past us, heading for Blake's car. "Barf. Barfbarfbarf. You guys were cute like three months ago, but now you just disgust me," he said before sitting in the back. 

Blake and I laughed and got in the car too. 

"Tyler is jealous," Blake said and started to drive. 

"Oh, I know," I answered, nodding. 

"I have a right to be jealous, I loved him before you loved him," Tyler grumbled, his arms crossed over his chest.

"He makes a good point," Blake agreed.

I rolled my eyes at them. "You two are dumbasses."

"I'd never treat you that way Blakina honey," Tyler said and then kind of choked up and added, in a super high voice like he was about to cry, "I'd never treat you that way."

Tyler kept pouting, and we kept making fun of him. 

After parking at school, Blake and I walked hand in hand. I carried the flower everywhere all day long, being a little crazy because I was trying to be super careful with it. 

"So, I'll come pick you up in an hour?" Blake asked, after dropping me and Tyler off at the end of the day.

"I'm very worried about what you have planned," I told him before kissing his lips. 

"Smart. You should be very worried," he answered with a grin. 

An hour later, after changing into a cute outfit, I was back in Blake car. "So, what's the plan Blakey-Boy?"

"We're going on a picnic my dear," Blake announced enthusiastically. 

"A picnic!"

"Yes, we've got our little feast in the back," Blake said, pointing to the basket sitting on the backseat. 

"Anita cooked all of this, right?" I asked him.

Blake laughed at my worried face. "What? Are you disappointed I didn't?"

"No, I'd be scared if you did," I told him truthfully. 

"I'm hurt."

"The kitchen would also be hurt if you cooked," I replied, making my boyfriend laugh. "Where are we going anyway?"

"Noooot teeelling, Pumpkin," Blake said in a sing-song voice. I took my hand in his and kissed the back of it.

"Come oooon," I whined and kissed his shoulder. He always complained about hitting the driver, but he never said anything about kissing him. 


We kept teasing each other and bickering until we parked at the concert hall. I frowned, not getting it.

Blake got out of the car, waiting for me to follow him. 

I got out, confused. "Wait, I thought you said picnic?" I said, while we walked into the building.

People seemed to recognized him, so no one was stopping us. 

"This is a picnic! I have a basket," he said excitedly. 

Wait, was he really bringing us here for our date? "You're adorable. How did you manage this?"

"I asked my father. I thought you'd want to hear me play piano with good acoustic."

I stopped walking, and with my hand still in his, made Blake stop too. "Wait, you're serious?"

He smiled at me, a heart-stopping smile. "Yep."

I really didn't deserve my boyfriend. 

We went backstage to actually get on the stage. It was weird to walk around the empty hall, and for Blake to walk in there so confidently. 

I'd been to one of his father's recital with him, but it had never felt anything like this. 

"So..." Blake started to say, looking a little anxious, "before I play you a beautiful concerto and before we eat, this is your actual present and I feel like a weirdo giving it to you, but yeah," he was fidgeting with a piece of paper in his hands. "When I moved here, the first year, I wrote you a Valentine's Day card."

I kind of gasped. "You did not."

"I did. Here," he handed to me the little card.

He'd drawn the whole thing. He'd drawn little cartoony characters and the little boy was offering chocolate to the little girl. It was freaking adorable. 

Inside he'd written Hello. Will you be my Valentine? I know you love chocolate, so I will give you chocolate.

Oh my gosh, that cutie pie. 

I smiled sweetly at the adorable card. Would Blake ever stop surprising me? "Are you romantic or are you a hoarder, I seriously can't tell anymore," I told him, teasing him. I couldn't pass the opportunity. 

Blake raised his eyes, making a pained sound. "Shut up."

"I love you, you little hoarder," I laughed, hugging him.

"I hate you," he grumbled. 

"Oh, how the tables have turned!" I exclaimed. 

Blake grinned at me, his arms around me. "Hate you."

"I love you too."


I hope you guys enjoyed this little spur of the moment upload. I'll be uploading the next Smirking Jerk chapter in a few hours. 

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