Lexi, the Snip-Snip-Snipper

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Lexi, the Snip-Snip-Snipper

"No, no, I am categorical about this. I refuse."

"Blake, calm down."


"Jesus Blake, take a chill pill."


"Come on, it really isn't that big of a deal."

"Ten to eleven inches? Not that big of a deal? Are you out of your god damn mind, woman?"

"It really isn't that long Blake."

"Go tell that to a locker room full of guys. It is a big deal!"

"It's not even one foot."

"Don't even speak to me. No, just no."

"Blake, let's be rational about this."

"I don't see why I should. I married those ten to eleven inches. You have no right to throw them away like that, like they mean nothing."

"Oh my god Blake, would you listen to yourself?"

"This conversation is over. You're not cutting your hair."

"Well, you're a little too late honey. I already cut it."


"You heard me."

"No. No. No, no, no. This is a joke, this isn't real. That's like you saying you'll elope with Josh or Alex telling me he's in love with me. Just some sick twisted joke.

"I'll be pulling up in about ten minutes and you'll see how real it is," I answered, and ended the conversation.

Little bitch.

Sure, cutting my hair was kind of out of the blue, but I'd been shopping for Christmas presents and my hair kept getting stuck in my coat and scarf and it was full of static and it was annoying and I just decided the hell with it. Time to chop-chop-chop it. I'd had my long hair ever since high school. I was a married twenty one year old college student. It was time for a change.

Maybe I should have told Blake first. But I hadn't thought he'd react for fiercely. It was just hair. It could grow back.

It kind of made me feel down though, because I liked the haircut and now Blake was going to be such a fracking drama-queen over it.

Ugh. The idiot.

When I walked into our apartment, Blake was sitting on the couch with the hood of his hoodie pulled over his face and he had tightened the string so his face didn't show at all.

He looked completely ridiculous.

"What the hell are you doing Blake?"

"This is me protesting over this ludicrous decision of yours. I think we should still talk about it. I'm sure we can call the hairdresser and ask her to give you back your hair. You can do wonder with glue these days."

"Are you listening to yourself? It's just hair Blake."

"I don't think you comprehend the amount of love I have for your hair. I've watch that hair grow. I've loved it and cherished it. I've pulled it quite a lot of times. I'm married to that god damn hair. And you just cut it like that without even consulting me."

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