Lexi, the Student

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Blake, Daph, Josh and I were all crammed up in the elevator going up to Nik's penthouse. 

"Do any of you know why Nik asked us to be here?" I inquired. We'd gotten a call at like five this morning requesting our presence immediately at his place. With the stunts he'd been pulling lately we all sort of jumped in our cars to get here. 

So now it was like six in the morning and we were all miserable and he'd better have a damn good reason to have gotten me out of the comfort of my sweet sweet bed. 

"You think he finally got laid? His interminable dry streak has finally ended?" Josh said before yawning.

"Doubt it," Daphnee answered, her arms cradling her belly. She was due in two weeks so she pretty much looked like she could pop any minutes. 

Blake wasn't saying anything because he just had his head resting on my shoulder, his eyes closed. He'd gotten in bed at around four in the morning, so the early wake up call for him was kind of painful. 

The second the door to the elevator opened, Nik was waiting for us, grabbing us by the arms, rushing us inside. "Took you guys long enough. Come on, come on, go take your seats!"

"It's waaaaaaaaay too early for shit like this," Blake whined as he was pried away from me by Nik's grabby hands. 

I was ignoring my husband though and focusing on the take your seats bit. Because there were literally desks with seats lined up in the living room, with a black board standing in front of them. Vanessa and Tyler were already sitting down there.

I narrowed my eyes at our tattooed friend. "Did you steal desks and a black board from your university?"

Nik just waved the matter away. "Please."

"I dropped out of college, there's no way I'm sitting through a lecture," Josh said, turning around, heading back to the elevator. 

"I agree with my baby daddy," Daph said, following him "and with Blake, it's waaaaaay too early for shit like this."

Nik rushed in front of them, clearly he was a lot more awake than we were, and was standing arms and legs spread in front of the elevator to stop us from going back in. "Whining like this will get your two hours in detention so I would watch it if I were you. I want to see enthusiasm, people! Come on!" he said, clapping loudly.

My husband just groaned beside me and then let himself fall on the couch that had been pushed against the wall to make room for the makeshift classroom. 

"I think you broke Blake," Josh mumbled. 

"What's going on?" I asked my brother who was sitting silently beside his girlfriend. 

Tyler just rolled his eyes. "Just let him do his thing, he's not going to drop it..."

"No mocking your teacher, stop talking during class!" Nik yelled.

I glared at him, poking his shoulder. "Nik, what the hell?"

"What the hell? What the hell is that two of you got pregnant and it wasn't planned so clearly I need to start giving you proper contraception classes," Nik said pointing to me and Daph going all hysterical.

I went completely silent. How the hell did he know?

"Wait a second? You're pregnant?" my brother squeaked. 

"You told him?"I asked Blake, incredulous. I'd just told my mother about it. Aside from Josh and Daph and my father, no one else knew. 

"I didn't tell him!" Blake replied, his voice muffled by the couch.

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