Lexi, the Daughter in Law

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I wasn't exactly sure why I was doing this to myself.

I knew this was dangerous.

Blake had already told me. He'd been worried about how his mother would react to having me back in his life. She knew I'd hurt him.

And she was his mother, so it didn't matter to her that I'd been hurt too. I could understand that. Anyone that would bother or be mean to Tyler, I would kick their asses. It didn't matter if he'd been the one doing something idiotic. He was my little brother and we stuck together.

If either of us ever killed anyone we had a pack that we'd help the other burry the body, so I definitely got the irrationality that came with protecting a family member.

But I wanted to get back in the good grace of the Eatons.

So, I needed to do this.

I rang the doorbell to Blake's house.

Anita opened the door, greeting me. "Oh, la bailarina!" she said with a smile.

"Hi Anita," I said, smiling back, giving her a little wave.

"Little Mister Eaton is not here right now," she automatically told me.

I knew he wasn't there. He was at his football practice. I was here right now precisely because of that.

Anita was still smiling. But she wasn't letting me in.

This was definitely not good for me.

Maybe I should have just snuck inside. I knew how to do it.

But I would probably not be welcomed with open arms if I started to break and enter.

"Mrs Eaton... or Everingham, is she here?" I asked, feeling suddenly a little smaller.

"She's in the kitchen right now."

"Do you think I could talk with her?"

"Sure," she replied, not actually sounding sure, and opened the door a little wider. "Follow me."

So I did, kinda acting like I had no idea where I was going, when I knew very well where the kitchen was.

"Who was it?" Blake's mom asked, before turning around and seeing me.

"It's me... Lexi," I replied making a little wave at her too.

"Oh," she just replied.

"Hi," I squeaked.

The thing that really sucked here, was that Blake's mom wasn't just Blake's mom. She was also Sophia Everingham, one of my favourite authors. And it wasn't exactly super fun to be disliked by one of your idols.

It actually made me feel a bit sick if I was being honest, like I could puke any moment. I hated feeling like this.

"Blake is not home yet," she just told me.

"I know," I said, trying to look in her eyes and not feel like I should hide in a corner and really, just run out of here and never come back because this had been a catastrophic idea. "I wanted to talk to you."

She put on a fake smile on her face. I could feel it. It wasn't a genuine one. I'd seen her genuine smiles before.

I was freaking the frack out. Aaah. What was I supposed to do here? This had been a bad idea. I should just run away and just... like never cross her path ever again. That was totally doable, right?

It would probably be a little odd though if I just... turned around and ran out of the room.

UGH! This was torture.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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