Lexi, the Bettor

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"Hold on to your wigs ladies and gentlemen, I have quite the announcement!" Alex claimed the second he stepped through the door of our house.

Our kids were all gone at a sleepover to some friend's house, so we had decided to gather together and enjoy an evening free of our children.

I would be lying if I didn't say I missed my little trouble makers, but it was nice to spend time with adults too.

We were all sprawled around in the living room, beer in hand, chips and pop corn within reach, a football game in the back ground. The usuals were all there; Josh and Daphnee, Tyler and Vanessa, and late Alex and Travis.

"Spiiiiiiiiiiiiiill!" Daphnee yelled her feet kicking around, excited with the prospect of gossip.

I laughed at her antic. Blake smiled, squeezing me a little tighter beside him. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Maika's got a crush on Jayden," Alex announced.

There was a collective, "Noooooooooooo!" coming from everyone in the room.

"We talking me liking you or Blake liking me?" I asked my eyes narrowing.

We all had joked around over the years about the possibility of having our children date, but nothing concrete had ever surfaced. They were still all so young. This was serious gossip.

"Nothing as unhealthy as Blake, but I'd say more serious than what you had with me," Alex replied.

I could feel Blake's annoyance beside me. It made me chuckle. "And by that we mean nothing, you two had nooooothing," he cared to mention.

Josh snorted after drinking from his beer. "Can you believe he's still sour about this? You guys have been married for what? Fourteen years?"

Everyone laughed at Blake's expense. Blake glared at us. I kissed his cheek to settle him down a bit.

"So our little Maika has a thing for Jayden?" Daphnee said, with a grin.

"Seems like it," Travis answered, coming back from the kitchen with a beer for him and his husband.

"What about Jayden? Does he like her? Does he have any idea?" Tyler asked, going all analytic.

"Please, that boy is so god damn clueless, Maika could have her feelings tattooed on her forehead and he wouldn't even notice," Josh said.

I narrowed mye yes at him. "Are you insulting my sweet son?"

Josh grinned at me. "No, I'm just saying he takes after his mom."

"I'm not that bad." Everyone laughs. "Guys, come on!"

"I love you Pumpkin, but you know you were the poster child for unobservantness, and now Jay's taken that crown from you," Blake said. This time he was the one kissing my cheek.

Ugh. Little bitch.

"That's just because he's young and sweet and innocent," I said, pouting a bit.

"All I'm hearing is virgin for life," Tyler said, kinda trying to hide it behind a cough. I threw a cushion at his face but he caught it.

I flipped my brother off. "Bite me."

My brother looked at me with a cocky smile. "I'll bet on it."

I scoffed. "That my son is going to be a virgin for life?"

"If Maika actually likes him, she'll probably get him in relationship with her without him even noticing," Daphnee pointed out.

Blake pointed at her, nodding in agreement. "That I could bet on."

"It'll happen before she starts college," Vanessa trailed, sort of thoughtfully.

What? "Where does that come from?" I asked my friend.

"Before she finishes high school," Travis said.

"Virgin for life," Tyler repeated.

"Look, Jayden is Blake minus all the guilt, plus all of Lexi's unobservantness. So like, it's probably virgin for life guys. It makes sense," Josh agreed.

My poor baby boy being bashed like this.

"But Maika's the one with the balls in that relationship. If she doesn't grow out of her crush, she's going to get what she wants," Vanessa pointed out.

"Are we really reenacting my father's bad habit of betting on our children's romantical relationships?" I asked my friends and family.

Tyler rolled his eyes before grabbing a fistful of pop corn. "Cry a freaking river darling, I used to bet with dad about you and Annabelle all the time. Not our fault you're so out of the loop. This is not something new."

"My poor sweet innocent children," I trailed thinking about my indeed quite unobservant little boy. "So, if we're making bets we should bet about Cole and Lilibeth too."

"Oh, oh, Cole?" Tyler nodded, mouth full of food. "Virgin for life!"

Josh gasped in faux-horror. "My son? Virgin for life?"

Tyler nodded, silly grin, mouth still full. "Virgin for life, baybay"

"Wait, we need to get these in writing guys," I said, trying to catch what everyone was yapping.

"So our children can have tangible proof of our bad parenting?" Alex asked, laughing.

"Nikki's a virgin for life too," Daphnee yelled out.

"Oh, you bet your ass she'll be," Tyler agreed.

I ran to the study to grab a pen and paper and we spent the rest of the evening betting about our children's romantic prospects.

"Oh man. Dad's going to kill us when he finds out we did this without him," Tyler pointed out.

"And Nik's probably going to want to pitch in once he's back in town," Blake added.

Awful, we were awful, awful people. "We are officially really bad parents. Call them and put them on speaker phone."


Well, this has been a while, now hasn't it? Sorry about that. :S 

For those who have been asking, no this story is not over. I just only upload it when I have an epiphany about a new adventure. 

Thanks for our patience as always. I hope you enjoyed this short chapter. :D

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