Lexi, the Risk Taker

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Lexi, the Risk Taker

I stepped harder on the gas pedal propelling the car forward.

“Woah, Pumpkin slow down, you need to turn at the next stop,” Blake said beside me, his hands pressed on the dashboard in front of him, like he needed to hold onto something out of fear

It was understandable though because I was driving the Lamborghini and it was glorious.

Why he had suddenly agreed to let me have a joy ride, I had no clue. The first time he had let me drove it, showed me to basically, was when he had gotten us an apartment for when we’d go to college without actually consulting me, or even taking me to see the place.  Second time was when he accidently deleted my essay which was finished and which for once, I was kind of proud of—the night before I had to hand it in. Third time was when I left for a conference for a few days and came back and he had forgotten to feed our fish and it had died. Fourth time was after he told me I’d have to see Kendall during a family dinner.

So, this was the fifth time and while I was enjoying the ride, I was definitely worried about the reason behind this. Would he tell me he decided to use all of my clothes for one of his art projects? Josh was coming to stay with us indefinitely and sleep at the end of our bed like a lap dog? He bought a ranch in the country and decided we’d drop University and breed cattle? His brain was going to explode again?

I was freaking out here!

            “So, huh… where exactly are we going?” I asked, looking around. Blake was giving me direction to go somewhere. He said he had to check something there. We were in the middle of an industrial wasteland.

            Well, technically, we were heading towards the area where he and Josh had taken me the first time I was brought to one of their graffiti nights.

Again, I was worried here. Was there a body waiting for us to burry? With all thise stressing around I was barely enjoying driving this amazing car.

Which really really sucked. And if it hadn’t been for Blake I could probably drive it more often than just when he screwed up.

His parents offered us the Lamborghini when we graduated, said it could be our graduation present and our car when we’d go off to college, because Blake was selling his Escalde—after many hours of me and Josh making jokes about how it was a pimp car—but Blake said it wasn’t practical.

Wasn’t practical? What kind of lame answer was that? Okay, sure, I didn’t see myself packing eight bags of grocery in that car, but come on! It was a fracking Lamborghini! Who cared about grocery?

“You can park there,” Blake told me, pointing on the side of the road. Maybe he wanted the car to get stolen or something. I still did as he said though. When I stopped the car, Blake got out and looking down at me, still sitting he said, “ Come on.”

“Where are we going?” I asked, but followed never the less, making sure the doors were locked.

“For a walk,” he smirked at me, and offered me his hand. I rolled my eyes but took it.

After about fifty feet away I asked, “Are you going to tell me what you did?”

Blake frowned. “Excuse me?”

I sighed. “Every time I drive the Lambo, it’s because of something unpleasant. Please tell me you haven’t decided to break Travis and Alex up again by finally admit your feelings for Alex!”

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