Lexi, the Deviant

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Lexi, the Deviant

I woke up first.

I was in Blake's bed, one of his arms around my waist, his forehead pressed against my shoulder.

I turned my head a little, smiling and kissed the top of his head.

It still felt a little strange to me that his parents were so okay with me spending the night, with my own dad being fine with having his daughter's boyfriend sleep in her room.

Were our parents that trusting or that dumb?

I ran a hand through Blake's hair softly, still kind of completely confused as to how I'd managed to have this boy as my boyfriend.

He was too good looking. It made no sense.

Blake's breath caught, and he moved a little, his eyes fluttering opened.

"Good morning," I told him softly, as he woke up.

His hold on me tightened just a little, and he nuzzled his face against my arm.

I chuckled at it, and kissed the top of his head again, wrapping my arms around him.

Blake just let out a content sound from the back of his throat.

We stayed like this for a few more minutes until Blake stirred again, and stretched his arms, properly waking up.

"Good morning," he finally said, his voice a little groggy from the sleep, with a sleepy smile.

He looked so cute in the morning like this. "You can go back to sleep you know, we don't have any plans today," I told him.

"I actually have to go see my doctor at ten, so I should probably get out of bed and eat something," Blake said, like saying he needed to see his doctor wouldn't freak me out.

A thousand scenarios ran through my head.

Was he okay?

"For your head?" I asked in a small voice.

"Oh, I guess there's something else I haven't told you," Blake said, moving away from my shoulder, to look in my eyes.

"For the love of god, please don't tell me you're gay and in love with Fred," I said, thinking about two absolutely ridiculous things.

"Everyone loves Fred, how am I supposed to resist his charms," Blake said, sounding serious.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Everybody doesn't love Fred."

Blake snorted and then pressed his lips together to stop from laughing. "Everybody loves Fred."


Blake chuckled and kissed my shoulder. "Pumpkin, my love, my heart, my little dumb-dumb, you're so unobservant it hurts sometimes," he told me and then hugged my head against his chest, but like in a smothering way.

I slapped his arm. "Knock it out," I said, laughing and he let go, "What were you trying to tell me?"

"Oh, right, so yeah," Blake paused, and looked in my eyes, "I've been seeing a psychiatrist..."

Oh, this was about his head, but not the reason I thought.

This was good news, actually. I felt a little lighter. "Really? Since when?"

"Before we started to date," my boyfriend admitted, "I'd seen one before, but it hadn't gone well, so I'd sort of stopped going. This time around I'm a little bit more cooperative though. And also my psychiatrist is pretty good. I'm getting along with him, and he helps."

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