Lexi, the Impatient

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WARNING! I wanted to surprise y'all but I thought I should warn you. Soooo. This is the smut you've been BUGGING me relentlessly about. And I don't do smut halfway. So, kids, beware. Stay away from this chapter. There's..... *looks around, cups mouth, says softly* sex in it.

Lexi, the Impatient

If anyone asked me what my name was, I had no idea. I couldn't even count to twenty or recite the alphabet.

Holy fracking shit.

Blake's face was in between my legs and holy frack did he know what he was doing. I was holding on so tightly to his bedding that I wouldn't be surprise I'd rip it where my nails dug into it.

He was just, so. Fracking. Good.

For a guy who claimed he'd never done this to anyone else, he sure knew how to get a girl going. Okay, sure this wasn't his first try on me, but... oh fraaaaaaack.

Eyes rolling in the back of my head, head thrown back, toes curling, heels pressing on his thighs. "Blake... OH... Blake..."

Blake stopped everything, and I just cracked one eye open in time to see him lifting his head and smirking wickedly at me. "Yes?"

"Why are you stopping?" I moaned that. Plead, moan, cry. A mix of the three.

"Oh, were we in a hurry?" Blake rested in between my legs, his elbows on each side of my waist, propping his chin on his fists over me, smiling his sweet-but-oh-so-wicked smile. "I'm sorry I didn't know."

I grabbed his bicep, and this time I was digging into his skin instead of his bedding. "Shut up!"

Blake really wasn't fazed by my nails thought. Instead, he was running his tongue around my navel, a clear reminder of what he'd been doing a little south just a few seconds ago, his hands sliding under me, his fingers grazing the skin of my back. "You always want me silent, I really don't get it, I thought you liked it when I used my tongue," he teased.

"Yes, just doing something other than talking," I gasped while he trailed kisses up, stopping right between my breasts.

Blake brushed his chin between my breasts, his light stubble shooting pleasure waves right in them. "You love my talking, you fell in love with it." Blake pointed out. "Do you just love me for my tongue? I thought you were obsessed with my chest,"

"I love both equally. But your chest doesn't have your tongue's skills."

"What a shame."

His hands curled from around my back and wrapped around my breasts, kneading them, massaging them while his lips wrap around one nipple pulling and sucking and grazing with his teeth softly, and then the other and then back and then back.

"Hmmm... don't take this the wrong way but I swear to god you got more boobs," Blake said, one hand going to my thighs, stroking it around, close to where I really wanted him to go back.

"I really don't care about this right now."

"But I do."

"Seriously, what's wrong with you?"

"I don't think you understand how fucking thrilling it is to get you so turned on. I have more gratification turning you on than getting off."

Before I could truly process what he had just said, Blake was kissing my neck softly, just feather-light brushes of his lips against my skin.

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