Lexi, the Mediator

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Lexi, the Mediator

"We can't get married." I woke up to Blake's face hovering over mine, telling me those words.

I rubbed my tired eyes, thoroughly confused. "What?"

"I'm sorry Pumpkin, I take it back. I can't marry you anymore."

I groaned, closing my eyes to welcome back sleep. "It's way too early for you to pull that kind of shit."

"We could elope, that might work," he continued saying, "but if we did, we'd have to leave right now to do it."

I huffed in annoyance and opened my eyes again. "What are you even talking about?"

"I hadn't thought about it!" Blake exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air.

I sat up in our bed. Yeah, I wasn't going back to sleep. "Thought about what? Blake, you're seriously not making sense!"

"My best man! I hadn't thought about picking a best man," he answered, pulling at his hair.

I rolled my eyes. Blake had proposed to me two weeks ago, We hadn't even decided a date yet and he was already worrying about his best man. Why was he even worried, anyway? "Isn't Josh going to be your best man?" I asked, pointing out the obvious.

"Well, I kind of thought that at first but then your brother started to say that he's the one who did all the work to get us together in the beginning, that without him we never would have ended up together and so now he wants to be the best man. And Alex started to say that if he hadn't come out we might have never worked out our issues in the beginning and you would have just kept on misunderstanding what had, well hadn't happened with Kendall and so he wants to be my best man too."

These were the disadvantages of being too likable. I knew that was going to be a pain for him at one point. He was too amazing for his own good. "So, who do you want for a best man now?"

"I don't know," he answered in a panicked voice, "I have no idea, but now they're all ganging up against me and threatening to me and some very sensitive parts of me if I don't pick them."

"Call them over," I groaned.


"Call all of these bastards over so they can properly ruin our Sunday morning."

So that's how we ended up with four grown man sitting on our couch while Blake sat in a chair beside me as we faced them.

Wait, what was up with four?

"Why is Nik here?" I asked, frowning. I loved the guy, but Blake hadn't mentioned him in the best man war before and he wouldn't have been my pick for a best man if I were Blake. If it was Tyler's wedding, that would have been a different thing though.

"That's right, you're not one of the contestants at this Bachelor's edition," Josh told him smugly, making a face.

Children. Forget about grown men. I was entertaining children.

Nik frowned, rubbing his temple, "You know what Blake, I didn't want to talk about this at first, I kind of wanted to keep it a secret from everyone else, but I just woke up with this major headache and I think—"

Blake cut him off, "It's fine, he can stay, he's in the pool too."

Everyone in the room except those two said, "What?"

"He stays."

Nik was grinning victoriously.

I was way past understanding what the hell was going on. The best I could do for now was to sort this whole thing out. "What are you guys even thinking? Why are all of you threatening him? Shouldn't you be bribing him?"

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