Part 18

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Made For Each Other- Part 18

Jay's POV

"Come on Atalya we're going to be late" I said rushing packing our last little things. Everyone was going back to their home towns today, lucky Atalyas family live in Nottingham same as mine.

"See you guys on Monday" We got to the train station. It only took a hour and a half to get there.

"So who's house do you want to go to first" I asked.

"well i was thinking of just going to see my parents and then staying over yours"

"Yeah ok thats fine" We got of the train and arrived at Atalya's.

"Dad" she ran straight into his arms.

"Hello welcome back, hello Jay" He said shaking my hand. We droped her bags of and got back to my house.

"Ok well we have to go now, we're staying at Jay's tonight"

"Ok l i'll ring you tomorrow then, love" her mum said hugging her. We got to my house and  my mum was outside doing some gardening as she does.

"Hello mum how are you?" i said hugging her.

"Oh hello Jay how are you?, and hello Atalya i havent seen you guys in a long time, go on in the doors open". We got into the house and i saw my dad.

Siva's POV

"Are you sure you dont mind"

"No Siva how many times" Nareesha said looking out of the window of the plan. We're travaling to Ireland to visit my family today, but i feel bad bringing Nareesha over and not seeing her family but she said she does'nt mind so its all good. We got off the plane and some fans were there. I was holding Nareeshas hand and walking to the van when a fan tapped me on the back, i turned around and she looked about 6.

"Hello Siva could you please sign my book and can i have a picture please" 

"Yeah of cousre hun" After seeing all the fan we finaly got to my house. It was so sunny over here.

"Hey mum im going to show Nareesha the park you used to take me too" I smiled.

"Ok see you later". It was getting to sun set now , me and Nareesha walking through the park hand in hand. I stopped and looked at her.

"Its such a beautiful sun set in a  beautiful park and im with a beautiful person" I grinned.

"Siva, stop with the cheese pick up lines" she laughed and our lips conected. 

Atalya's POV

We got in and his dad came out in the hallway to see us.

"Hello son welcome back" He said hugging Jay "hello Atalya its nice to see you again"

"JAY YOUR BACK!!!" a girl came running down the srairs and sraight into Jay arms.

"Hey Em!!" he replied

"So you must be Atalya, im Emily but you can call me Em, Jays told me so much about you" she giggling. I blushed.

"Hello Em, you must be Jay's sister, its nice to met you" 

Em showed me around the house, it was so lovely and big.

Max's POV

Me and Michelle are going upto her parents house instead of mine. We both agreed that we wanted to stay with each other, i didnt mind going to her house.

"Hello love, hello Max" Michelle's mum said. We went upstairs. Her room was masive, i dont remember her room being this big.

"Was your room always this big" i asked sitting on the bed.

"Yeah always, you dont remember do you" 

"Nope, i think its going to be a really good weekend, spening time with your family and i cant wait to meet the reast of them" i said hugging her from behind.

Nathan's POV

Me and Mia are going to Glouster today , we got of the triain and my dad came to pick us up from the station. It was only about half an hour away from my house. We got to my house and i couldnt wait to see everyone, Mia wasn' nervouse because she has met my family lots of time.

"Thanks dad for this" i said getting our bags out of the boot.

"No worrys son" We got in the house and it was quiet.

"Hello Nath welcome back" Jess hugged me. "Mia havent seen you in ages, come on i need to tell you some gossip" They both ran upstairs, leaving me stood in the hallway. I walked in the livingroom and no one was there.

"Dad wheres mum"

"Shes gone out shopping she'll be back soon though" I went upstairs, Mia and Jess was in Jess's room.

Knocked on the door but they didnt hear me i slowly opened the door and went in. I seen wedding dress's on Jess's laptop so i coughed and they turned around.

"Nath you cant just do that we were looking at somthing that you cant see" Mia said smiling.

"No i didnt see anything, promise" I winked and walked out.

Kelsey's POV

Me, Tom and Holly are going to my mums house this weekend. We were running really late so Tom had to drive all the way there instead on taking the train. It was a long car jorney.

"Mummy, im really bored" Holly moaned

"Where's your coloring book" Kelsey asked

"I dont know i think i put it in my bag and its in the boot"

"Well your going to have to just sit there then, i told you to have it with you"

"Here have my phone to play on" Tom said passing his phone over to her.

"Thanks daddy"

We finaly got to my parents house about around 7:00pm and my dad came out to help us with the bags but me and Holly just left the boys to do all the hard work and we went in to see my mum.

"Nanny" Holly ran staight into her arms.

"Hello Holly, i havent seen you in ages" She said "Hey Kelsey how are you? Where's Tom?"

"Alright mum, Toms just getting the bags out the boot" 

We went upstairs to unpack our things. Its been a really busy and tiering day so me, Tom and Holly went staigt to bed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2013 ⏰

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