part 12

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Part 12- Made For Each Other

Tom's POV 

we got to the hospital and as we were getting out of the car Kelsey lent over holding her stomach.

"Kels you alright?" i asked worrying

"Yeah just them pains again" 

We got in the ward and she sat in the bedand the doctor pulled her top up and put the gel on her stomach. Then the baby came on the screen. I could feel my eyes tear up but i kept them back and held Kelsey's hand.

"Wow, he or she has grown since the last time i saw you" The doctor said. "Would you ike to know what it is?". I looked at Kelsey and she knodded.

"Yes please" i said 

"Congratulations you have a baby girl" she said and that was it i could'nt hold my tears back anymore

 "Oh My God, im so happy i alway wanted a baby girl" Kelsey said "Also, doctor i've been having these bed pains"

"Oh thats normal it's basically because your birth is coming very soon, only a week left" The doctor said

"Ok thank you for your help" I said and we left

Mia's POV

I was on the phone to Jess having a little chat.

"So when are you coming to Gloucester so i can see all you lot?" She asked

"Well i dont know becuase the boys are doing school tours all over London and working on there first ablum. But when they have done all that i think we are all coming back home so i'll see you then" 

"Yeah alright, is Nath there please?"

"Yeah i'll put him on. See you later Jess love ya"

"Love ya too"

As Nathan was on the phone to Jess i went to go out with Atalya and Nareesha in town.


"I think i might by some stuff for Kelsey and the baby" Nareesha said

"Yeah same, but i need to go to the cash point first" Atalya said

"Yeah alright we'll meet you in Mothers Care" Nareesha said "Oh My God this is so cute" 

"I dont even know what it is" I said

"Mia its a little tigger outfit"

"ohh aww thats so cute"

"Your so blonde Mia"  Atalya said and we all laughed

"Dont tell that to Kelsey" I laughed

Michelle's POV

I was sat in the kitchen talking to Jay, Max and Siva. I didnt want to go shopping with the girls because i didnt feel well.

"Max, tell me one of your dad jokes" I asked

"Alright um...... what did the grape say when i trode on it?"

"I dont know what"

"Nothing it just gave out a little wine" He said and i just cracked. Jay didnt find it very funny but i was close to crying.

"Terrible dad joke mate" Jay said

"Shut up and get your own then" Max said. Then Kelsey and Tom came throught. Tom had tear stains over his face.

"Are you ok?" I asked

"Yes im so happy, we know what the baby is" Tom said

"Well tell us i want to know" I said getting in his face

"Its a girl" Kelsey said 

"OHH MYY GOD, im so happy for you" I ran up to them both and hugged her.

"haha thank you. I need to call my mum" Kelsey said "Mich come with me please"

"Congratualtion mate, well happy for you" Max hugged him 

"Now we will have a little baby Parker running around" Jay said

Atalya's POV

We got through the door and Tom was talking to Jay and Max.

"Alright babe" Jay said kissing my head

"Yeah fine thanks"

"Tom why have you got tear stains over your face" Nareesha asked

"Me and Kels went to our last baby scan today and found out if its a girl or a boy and i just could'nt stop crying"

"OMG well tell us then" I shouted 

"A girl and she olny has a week left" he said and Nareesha screamed with happiness and ran upstairs to see Kesey and i followed. 

"I'am so happy for you Tom, cant believe im going to be a anti" Mia said and hugged him for like 5 seconds and ran up to us.

Nathan's POV

I was finnished on the phone to Jess. I was about to go down stair then i heard girls talking and giggling in Kelseys room so i went to see what was going on, I knocked.

"Come in" 

"Hey guys whats going on i heared some giggling and wondered whats going on"

"im having a baby girl, Nath" Kelsey said smiling

"Oh My God Kels im so happy for yous lot" I said hugging her.

"Cute init Nath" Mia said hugging me 

"Yeah it is, im going now stairs now alright" 

"Yeah ok" i kissed Mia and went down stairs.

"Congrates mate" I said hugging Tom

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