part 3

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Part 3- Made For Each Other


Siva's POV

I was going to met up with Nareesha today at starbucks. Im glad we both got closer over the 3 last years, but i really wanted to be more than friends.

"Hey you ok?" i asked 

"Hey Siva im fine thank you" she replyed

I did'nt know if i should of asked her if i wanted to be more than friends but im scared she would say no. 

"Nareesha, we've been really close friends for a long time and i really like you, so i was wondering if you wanted to be more than friends" 

"Siva, well the thing is all these years i've kown you i've like you in that way so yeah i would love to be your girlfriend" she smiled 

"really? wow ok then" i said hugging her then our lips connected.


Jay's POV 

"oh god, oh god" 

"Jay whats wrong" my brother asked

"shall i ring her or shall i wait for her to ring me?..... i dont even know"

"Jay calm down, if you want to met her then just ring her" 

I rang her and she picked up

"hello" she awsnsered 

"heey Atalya its Jay i was wondering if you wanted to met up to day to talk?"

"yeah ok that sound cool, met me in KFC at 1:00"

"ok see you there"


"so Jay what did you want to talk about" she asked

"well basically.... when i saw you i thought you were the most beautiful person i have ever seen, so i was wondering if you wanted to go out like be my girlfriend?"

"um....well.....yeah ok. I mean when i saw you i though you were so cute with your curls" she laughed and i laugh back

"ok so i would like you to met the other boys, my band mates, maybe tomorrow?"

"yeah ok that fine" we kissed for about 5 seconds and i went back to the house.

I got in and told the boys about Atalya and asked if its ok she can come around tomorrow

Tom's POV 

I was texting Kelsey as we were watching the DVDs. I asked her if she wanted to come around tomrorrow to met eveyone because Jay was bring his girlfirend.

"Guys Kelsey is coming around tomorrow is that alright?, because Jays bringing his"

"Yeah that fine mate" they said


Nathan's POV

I was on the phone to Mia in the kitchen, then went to met her in the park.

"Hey Mia"

"Hello Nath" she smiled 

We were talking for a bit then i went forward towards her and kissed her she pushed away.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" she said

"sorry i dont know what came over me...." and as soon as i was about to finnish my scentence she put her hands behind my neck and pulled me towards her and we kissed again.

I asked her if she wanted to come back to meet the boys tomorrow, she agreed. 



My phone beeped, it was a message from Michelle.

From Michelle xx:

Heey Max, i was wondering if you wanted to meet up somewhere i need to ask you something? <3 xxx

To Michelle xx:

Yeah sure, i'll meet you outside McDonalds in about 20 mins? <3 xxx


"so Max i was wondering if you wanted to go out like on a date because i want to me more than friends"

OMG i never thought she was going to ask 

"yes yes...i mean..... i've had a crush on you since school and i would like to be your boyfirend Michelle"

We kissed and she was going to come around tomorrow like the other girls. 

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