There Lost

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The crew were enjoying a nice peaceful dinner when they all heard the map screen 7000 go off so Steele slid down the pole to get it

He pressed the button realising it was 7:40pm and the sun had fully set and it was dark

But what he heard wasn't what he wanted to hear, he don't know what he wanted to hear but it certainly wasn't that

"Jones and Charlie are lost at sea" the map screen 7000 reported and Steele paled

Penny would be worried cause if her daughter

Sam was going to go mental as both his daughter and brother were lost at sea but Steele sadly had to announced it

"Jones and Charlie are lost at sea" Steele announced over the PA as they all got ready and he called Tom saying that "Both Jones and Charlie were lost at sea"

Steele then looked outside and saw it was pitched black so radioed to everyone "stay in radio contact"


When the screen beeped we all went "Norman" but we all paled when we heard it and Sam had gone unnaturally faint like

Couldn't blame him

"Jones and Charlie are lost at sea" they heard be announced over there systems


Eating his dinner with his whole crew and wife was perfect, an emergency mosur likely Norman couldn't dampen the happy atmosphere they had created

But the emergency could especially to Sam who nearly suddenly fainted when he heard it

"Jones and Charlie are lost at sea"

Sam felt hike raise up on his throat and he wanted to be sick so he ran outside via the balcony way and threw up

He hated water and if he didn't get out there and find his daughter and brother he would lose them to the sea and he couldn't do that no, as Charlie and Jones meant way to much to him so he hopped on Mercury to jump onto to Juno

The dark sky and the fog didn't help his worries and he hummed the sea shanty song there grandad taught him and Charlie and Sam would have to teach Jones if he could find her which he would and he would find Charlie ro while he was at it after all he wasn't nicknamed 'the hero next door' for flipping nothing was I now?

Ah I knew shouldn't of let you go Jones but I can't let my fear of water get in your way of what's fun to you as you obviously like other things but know as juno slips into the water which is quite choppy Charlie's boat without the two occupants who should be on it is found before being towed back to the key before manning it so it didn't go bonkers

But if the boat was found?

Where was his brother and Jones


Her daughter, Sam had gone to be sick, she knew him to well


As they all looked they could see it was pitch black and they barely had any visibility even Saturn which Steele had on him with the mobile control unit couldn't pick them up

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