Warming up and headaches

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With both Charlie and Jones back at shore everyone relaxed a whole much more

Helen checked up on Charlie as I went for the ocean rescue center's showers and I had a nice long warm one

Penny went back to our house to get me some warm clothes as Sam stayed with Charlie to he was better

Helen said to Sam and Charlie jokingly that "Charlie was stiller then Sam, the twins and Jones"

Charlie said "it's easy" and Sam just stuck his tounge out despite being tired

Steele wanted to do a briefing but knew it could wait as he knew Sam was with chair and Sam needed to sleep albeit he'll do the briefing in the morning

Charlie was told a shower and once he had one and changed into clean clothes given to him by his wife Bronwyn his head was wrapped up and he went to have some nice warm fish and chips as why not?

Sam then said "Jones has been in the shower a very long time" and penny returned and said "lost something Sam?"

Sam rolled his eyes and said "Jones is still in the shower"

He yawned and penny said "I'll take care of Jones you sleep Sam and that's an order"

"But" Sam protested

"Bed" penny said

He sighed but headed home and had a shower and got changed and true to penny's word he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow

Same with Charlie's after he took painkillers for his headache

Penny slipped Jones's pjs into the room and she head a quiet but obviously tired "thanks mum"

Once dressed she asked penny to brush her hair and she did so

She put it in plats and penny said "you need a warm meal I think"

"Really?" I ask

"Yes Jones" penny said softly

"Chicken wraps with apple fries?" I ask

"Chicken wraps and normal fries cause your cold?" She said "And sick?"

"Not" I say as I gag

"You said it did you penny?" Helen joked as she checked my temperature or tried to at least

"Yes I did" penny said

"Ah scary nurse" I say as I climb up onto my mums back

"Jones let Helen take your temperature" penny said

"No, daddy's not here" I say with a sniff

Helen quickly took it and showed penny

It read 32

"Mind she's had a very warm shower before we could check he over" penny said

Helen nodded and joked saying "your just as restless as your cosiuns and dad Jones"

"Good, that's a good thing, home now mum" I say "Away"

Penny chuckled and said "bye Helen"

"Bye penny, Jones" Helen said

"Bye scary Helen" I replied as I gave her a tired smile before we left

Back at the house I fall asleep and penny says "suppose food can wait, let's get you to your dad"

She carried me to my dad who was already fast asleep but he put me in his arms and she saw me snuggle into him and Sam wrap his arms protectively around her

She saw Sam give her a tired smile and she said "Sam sleep, you too Jones"

We both obeyed and slept

Penny smiled and slept at the station after she left a note saying where she was

And chicken wraps wouldn't hurt for her daughter's breakfast tomorrow morning would it?

She didn't think so at all, if she was fed, she was fed

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