The search contiues

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Sam's POV

It was teaching 10pm and still nothing from any bit of the sea

Up in the air or down in the sea

"Anything?" Sam radioed over

"No Sam," penny answered "the only thing we've found is Charlie's boat"

"That's as over half an hour ago though" Elvis added unhelpfully as Sam sighed

"Arnold?, Ellie, Ben?" Sam tried

"Nothing Sam sorry" Ben raiders back

"Sir?" Sam asked his voice quiet

"No sam, Saturn hasn't spotted anything yet I'm afraid" Steele annocued

"Okay sir" Sam replied albeit quietly

"We'll find them Sam I promise" Tom said

On the key was Bronwyn, Malcolm, Steele and Helen

Joe and Lizzie had Sarah and James luckily

Sam was freaking out, he can't loose his daughter and brother to the sea

Tom heard Sam nattering to himself and so did Steele neither decided to comment or tell Sam to stop but Steele had radioed the others on a separate line that I'd they heard Sam nattering to let him

"Stupid sea how dare you take my daughter and brother you stupid stupid sea, evil sea" Sam muttered

"Sam?" Steele radioed

Sam visibly jumped and said "sir?"

"You okay?" Steele asked

"Yeah yeah sure I am, I'm fine sir" Sam replied hesitantly

"Sam" Steele said

"Okay, okay, I'm freaking out" Sam admitted quietly

"Sam I'm sure there fine, Jones is a gold medal swimmer at her school" Steele assured Sam "Charlie's a fisherman to"

"Not that" Sam muttered quietly

"Sam are you scared of water?" Steele asked quietly

"Yes sir I am" Sam said "normally it doesn't bother me but it's been nearly 3 hours and we haven't even seen them"

"Sam calm" Steele whispered so only Sam could hear, truth be told Sam needed to talk to his boss and hearing his bosses voice relaxed him

"What of the seas taken them sir, we can't rule it out" Sam said

"True we can't" Steele announced "hang on"

Sam waited

And he hummed

A little later Steele said "Where are you?"

"Near lighthouse why?" Sam replied confused

"Where's the others?" Steele asked carefully

"Ellie, Arnold and Ben are in the key, Penny and Elvis near the beach why something happen sir?" Sam asked panicky

Steele cursed he hadn't mean to panick Sam more then he was and said "no Sam everyone's fine"

"I can't hear them though sir, what if they have?" Sam asked quietly

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