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After a while I blinked and I coughed a lot and my head broke the surface

I treaded the water while I got my tense body to relax

After a while my body did relax and I shivered and I started to look everywhere for land while treading water

Of course the storm carried on to be rough and if I wasn't sure if I would be found but I pushed that thought to the back of my head full well knowing that thought was fake and would never ever be true

After all dad did say he wouldn't leave me on purpose

After a little bit more I try and call for Charlie

But I get no reply and I get thrown under again but I pop back up

After all I didn't get a few golden medals for swimming for no apparent reason now did I?

I swim one way and then I stop and I take a look at my surroundings

Sea, Sea, Sea, Sea

North, South, East and West is just sea and even more sea

I keep treading water breathing in deeply when I go under and breathing out when not under

The wind is still carrying on and so are the waves

Once the winds calmed down maybe the sea will but I'll doubt it go down to eat early into the next day

Hold on? Was it still Saturday the 7th or Sunday the 8th? Hard to tell when it's pitched black and you don't know what date it is cause you can't see the moon

I keep treading water and I start to grow tired

My eyes droop and sleep is starting to win the fight and sadly I can't sleep cause I probably won't find land and I might just might yeah let's not go down that route

I prise my ears and not even wallaby 2 is nearby my location at least

I lift a finger into the air and fell air hit all sides of my finger and I sigh

I let myself float and think for a while before I say "Pontypandy island" to myself

But where excatly was it?

As the boat was near to the island, Charlie and his boat should be there

I swim to the east of me and I keep swimming even if my muscles are starting to really really hurt and my eyes are starting to seriously drop

Can't sleep, need to find land and need to find land quickly

I duck under to avoid getting hit in the face by a huge wave and then I pop back up and swim again and I try and swim fast but I've learnt slow and steady wins the race so I go back to slow swim strokes with the odd ducking under the water or treading the water to catch breath or avoid huge waves

What felt like a century but maybe 2hs most I saw land

What land I wasn't sure so I kept swimming towards it

I wondered where my uncle was

Was he safe?

Was he injured?

And where's the boat?

I treaded water and snagged a quick yawn before a big quick deep breath before I went under to miss the huge wave and then I popped back up

The wave had swept me closer to the land and I smile at seeing it was Pontypandy island

I swam a bit faster there and once I arrived there I just layed on the sand shivering and yawning

I could sleep right there and then but probably not the best thing to do in the middle of a raging storm but I felt weak so I couldn't stand so I crawled into the shade and I knew there and then i needed to sleep

A short nap wouldn't hurt right?

I let sleep succumb me and I woke up a while later and it was still stormy but just not as much and I felt not as weak so I stood up

I then walked the island and I found out my ankle was a bit painful

"Charlie?" I keep calling out and I'm freezing

Not cold from playing in the snow

Cold but more importantly maybe hyperthermia cold and that's not a good thing

But if I'm here and there's no sign of Charlie or the boat does that mean they've been rescued? Or are they still lost

"Don't think negatively Jones" I thought

I finally arrived at where I know all of the buoys and flares are kept

My fingers being wet and cold make it hard for me to open the box but I finally get in

I grab a flare and let my body fall to the floor

I yawned again and sleeps starting to try and take over me again and I allow it after all I'm freezing cold

I woke up and I was covered in sand and still cold and if not getting colder at least the shelter was stopping me from getting the wind and waves being thrown at me but it didn't help the cold getting access to me

And with me being as cold as an ice cube in a freezer in a restaurant it's not helping

I stood up and set it off before I lean against a tree cause of my ankle

Hopefully someone sees it and comes to me

Cause the Sands comfortable and all but I'm not a huge fan of Sand

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