I've Waited For Years [Kensei]

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"You sure you got this?" Shuuhei asked his Third Seat, Falcon Fiji.

"I'm sure, Captain," the woman said. "This isn't my first mission after all. I am older than you, yah know."

"You still act like a child at times."

Falcon rolled her eyes, pulling her curly, dark orange hair into a ponytail. Adjusting the zanpakuto at her side she turned to her Captain once more. "I'll see you later!" She then ran into the portal and crossed over.


Hands clasped behind her head as she walked down the street, Falcon stared up at the sky. Her mission was taking longer than expected. The Hollow she was supposed to kill suddenly disappeared, but she was ordered to stay put. Not that Falcon minded. She enjoyed the World of the Living. Their clothing and lifestyle were interesting to her. She had acquired her gigai thanks to Urahara.

In fact, she was walking to his house right now to drop it off before she went on patrol. "Urahara!" the woman called out. The shopkeeper looked up from where he sat.

"Oh, good afternoon, Falcon," he greeted with a smile.

The two Shinigami's knew each other before the problem involving the Vizards occurred. In fact, Falcon had known everyone who had been turned during the incident. "I'll be back later, can you watch over it again?" she asked, stepping out of her body.

"Yeah, I can do that. Besides, your gigai needs a tune up."


Falcon rushed outside and off into the town.


The sun had set by now, the streetlights shining brightly below. Falcon sighed, arms crossing. "Looks like it's going to be yet another boring night-"

A Hollow's scream filled the air and Falcon whipped her head around. It was the one she was after. "About time!" She rushed off towards a large playground, landing on a money bar set. The Hollow loomed overhead as Falcon took out her zanpakuto, slicing off his hand. The creature roared and attacked. The woman easily flipped backwards through the air, dodging the Hollow, while twirling around and slicing its chest.

This is too easy, Falcon thought to herself as she watched the Hollow fall.

The Soul Reaper landed on the top of the jungle gym, waiting for any signs of movement from the enemy. It didn't move. She sighed annoyed that the Hollow had been weak. Then another roar ripped through the air, startling her. She whirled around right as a hand smacked into her stomach and threw her through the air. The woman's body slammed into the ground, hard, bouncing and rolling to a stop.

Damn! That thing was a decoy!

Falcon coughed, pushing herself to her hands and knees. The Hollow's foot came down on the Soul Reaper's back, pushing her into the ground. She gasped for air as it moved away only to be replaced with its large hand. Spit flew from her mouth as the Hollow dragged the woman closer.

"You look tasty," the Hollow growled hungrily, licking his lips. He brought his hand away for a second and Falcon quickly turned her body around, her blade cutting into the palm. The Hollow roared back in anger reaching for his prey. She rolled backwards but its claw caught the leg of her kimono pants. The Hollow's claws dug into her skin, ripping open the flesh. This caused the pant leg to rip at the waistband, shredding at a downward angle towards her inner thigh.

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