Forever [Grimmjow]

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Name: Vero
Race: Arrancar
Rank: Fracción
Hair: Long, jet-black hair that slightly curls at the end (reaches to the middle of her chest)
Eyes: Bright blue
Mask: Starts just above her right eye, covering half of her forehead, circling around the right outer part of her eye and ending just before curling under her eyelid


"Get up!" Luppi ordered. "I'm not done sparring with you!"

Blood was dripping from the sides of my mouth to the floor. I wasn't looking at my current master after the blow to my cheek, coughing and sputtered up blood on the floor. I was pretty sure one or two of my teeth were in that pool, but could care less. By tomorrow it will have re-grown.

Wiping away the remaining blood with a hand I faced my master, my eyes not giving away any sign of pain or other emotion that could show weakness. There was a sadistic look in Luppi's eyes, one clearly different from the one I could receive from my former master. I hated it.

"Are you done acting pathetic, Vero?"

Luppi played dirty when it came to sparing against me. Unlike the former Espada, who enjoyed a fair fight.

I rolled my eyes in response and he only continued to smirk. "Well, looks like we have a guest. Hey, Aaroniero! How would you like to spar against my Fracción?"

My blood ran cold.

"It would be my pleasure," the Espada answered. I could hear him draw his zanpakuto.

The Ninth Espada has always been after me, but when my former master was around he never thought twice about attacking me. However, now that Luppi was in charge Aaroniero had no problem with pursuing me because Luppi allowed it. In fact, Luppi enjoyed watching me almost get devoured by the Ninth Espada.

I whirled around, just in time to block the attack. Being forced backwards as our blades grinded against each other, sparks were sent flying everywhere. He raised his other hand, creating a cero, right in front of my face. I quickly spiraled my body to the right, avoiding the attack just in time as an explosion rocked the training grounds. Luppi's laugh echoed through the room and I growled in annoyance.

This was not going to be pretty.


That was yesterday. Today, I am waking up to Luppi pounding on my door. "Get up you worthless Fracción!" he yelled.

"If I'm so worthless why did you insist on me serving you, and why do I always kick your butt in sparing?" I grumbled.

"I heard that!" Luppi yelled, knocking my door off its hinges.

"Jeez," I yawned lazy, sitting up. I wasn't phased by what had just happened. It would sometimes occur if Grimmjow was in a bad mood and wanted a spar partner to work off his steam. "Now look at what you did. I have to fix my door."

"I could care less about your door!" Luppi growled. "Get up, make yourself presentable, and get to the throne room on the double! Aizen wants to see all of the Espada and Fracción."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear yah. Yah don't have to yell."

"Just shut up and get ready." And with that Luppi walked out of my room and down the hall.

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