Pranks [Ikkaku] for nejikiba34

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Name: Kiki

Age: 18 in human years, 300 in Shinigami years

Race: Shinigami

Division: Tenth Division

Rank: 2nd Seat

Personality: She has a personality like Ichigo's, but is more outgoing and can make friends easily, no matter who it is. People will like her because she is so innocent. She likes to have fun as well so it wouldn't be a surprise when you see her goofing around with Yachiru. But she can stick up for herself and will not take shit from anybody.

Looks: Tall with a curly figure, golden cat ears and a tail, knee length, silver-golden hair, and crimson eyes. She wears a red halter top with a frilly white design in the front with black shorts and thigh length boots. Her gloves are white with gold out lining it.

Past: Kiki had a good past, but when her father re-married, her life became a living hell. The stepmother was a bitch and didn't treat her nice when her father was not around. She would be beaten and called names, but when he was around the stepmother treated her nicely. Her father was rich. When Kiki couldn't take it anymore she killed herself and was sent to the Soul Society.

Weapon: Her zanpaktuo is like Zabuza's and is named Kaminari. When Kiki says 'Destroy Kaminari', he demolishes everything in its path. It is positioned on her back vertically.

Family: She has none, and has just found out that her father passed away.

Friends: Rangiku, Renji, Sajin, Tōshirō, Yachiru, Kenpachi, and Ikkaku.

Abilities: She can turn into animals, and can fight with her blood.

Likes: Sleeping, reading, writing, training, animals, dancing, singing and people petting behind her ears.

Dislikes: People waking her up from her naps, snakes, and drinking.

Habits: Whenever it's calm or just peaceful you can here purring and know that it is Kiki, because she likes to purr whenever she feels calm or peaceful, and when she gets nervous she pets her tail.


"Ready, Yachiru?" a whisper came from the rafters in the Eleventh Division.

"Ready, Kitty!" she giggled in delight.

Three... two... one...

Snap. Splash. "KIKI! YACHIRU!"

"Run!" the second Lieutenant exclaimed as they ran at full speed in the opposite direction.

"When I get my hands on the two of you, you're dead!"

"It was just a joke, Ikkaku!" Kiki called back, hand catching a corner and whirling around into another hall.

"I'm soaking wet!"

"Well, Baldy, you needed a bath!" the child Lieutenant giggled.

"I'm not bald!"

"Hide, Yachiru!"

The child took to the roof, the woman ducking under the wooden pathway. Form shrinking, her eyesight heightened, looking up at the Soul Reaper as he passed by. "Damn it, Kiki! Get back here!"

Once gone, she chuckled, emerging from the hiding spot. "Well that was easy," the girl muttered, picking up the discarded clothing in her mouth and rushed off towards her room.

The perks in playing pranks on Soul Reapers? Turning into a cat. No one knew of this secret, which came in handy when hiding and trying to gather information. After putting away the clothing, Kiki made her way towards Ikkaku's barracks. She found the man grumbling to himself about not being able to find the two pranksters.

The cat sat in the doorway, tail swishing back and forth. She mewed lightly, his angry pacing halting before turning to look at the visitor. "Oh, its you." Kiki walked farther inside before jumping up on the bed. "I haven't seen you in a while. Though I still can't understand why a cat would hang around the Eleventh Division."

She cocked her head to the side before a hand came down and scratched behind the ears. It felt amazing, leaning into the touch and purring. The Soul Reaper flopped down on the bed, sighing heavily. "Damn that Kiki and her tricks. I'm going to get her back somehow."

The said young woman chuckled in her head. There was a knock at the door before the screen was pulled back, revealing Yumichika. "Why are you all wet?" the Fifth Seat questioned. "Fall prey to Yachiru and Kiki's tricks again?"

"Shut it. What do you want?"

"That mission we were assigned was canceled. Squad Two got to the problem first since they were in the area."

"Fuck, I was looking forward to a good fight too."

"I'll check around for anymore, but don't get your hopes up."

Sighing heavily in irritation, the Third Seat looked down to see the cat fast asleep. Smirking, he changed into drier clothes.


When Kiki opened her eyes again she found the bedroom a lot darker than she remembered. Guess I fell asleep...

She yawned, stretching out and flexing her claws. "You're awake," Ikkaku's voice came from the darkness. Kiki's eyes lazily looked over at the Soul Reaper, leaning back against his pillows, hands behind his head. "Kiki." The young woman froze, eyes going wide. How had he found out? "I know it's you."

The cat made a break for the door, only to be easily caught by the man. "You're not getting away that easily," he smirked, fingers holding the skin behind the neck. "I thought I was crazy, hearing a cat mumbling in its sleep from time to time, but now I know I'm not imagining things." She was growing nervous now, trying to get loose without using her claws. "So that explains how you could always get away so easily every time."

Kiki's ears were down, pressing against her head. "What, cat got your tongue?" She hissed in response. The Soul Reaper released her in surprise, and she dashed into the closet. Ikkaku waited before the woman's true form emerged, dressed in a long T-shirt of his.

"You can't tell anyone you found out," she stated.

The man cocked a brow. "I'm the only one who knows?"

The young woman nodded. "The only one who's found out."

"I'll make you a deal," he smirked.

"I can tell I'm not going to like this."

"Stop the pranks, and I won't tattle."

Her mouth popped open. "What? But that's not fun or fair!"

"Life isn't fair."

She grumbled, arms crossing. "Fine... I guess..." He cocked a brow. "I'll try, okay?"

He shrugged. "It's something." Suddenly, the man was in front of Kiki, pinning her against the wall. "But it's not enough," he smirked.

"What the hell, Ikkaku?" The Soul Reaper was blushing like crazy with the fact that he was so close and she was dressed in little clothing.

The Third Seat kissed her without warning, roughly, before reaching a hand up and rubbing one of her ears between his fingers. There was an instant reaction, purring heavily into his mouth and kissing back full force. When they pulled way for air he grinned before giving her a peck on the cheek. "I guess I could forget about everything."

Kiki smirked back. "Does that mean I can prank you still?"

"I'll think about it," he muttered before capturing her lips again.

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