Top Shape [Kenpachi] for GuardianKaze

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Name: Hantaa West

Race: Shinigami

Rank: Fourth Seat in Eleventh Division, though she use to be in Seventh Division

Looks: 5 feet tall, and has a deep scar running up the entire length of her left leg.

Personality: Hantaa is usually laidback even though she can quickly become a sarcastic pain in the ass. She will defend deeply what she believes, and always has an eye on her surroundings. Hantaa isn't a people person, but she can put up with large crowds, just not for long. She isn't arrogant, but it takes a lot to impress her and earn her respect. Not very trustworthy of others. Very protective of the Eleventh Division; they're her family. Can take a lot of damage as she's amazingly strong for her size and power.

Zanpakuto: It's a crimson bladed katana called Zetsumeiba Yaiba. In Shikai [Prepare to kill Zetsumeiba], the blade deepens to almost a blackish red with a black handle with ribbons tied to it. In Bankai (Bloodstained Zetsumeiba), it's a scythe with a garnet embedded into each side of the blade. Skeleton looking armor protects her forearms and forms metal gloves.

History: Started off as a government hunter. But placed into recon as her desire for fighting was over ruling her will to serve. She was killed by Hollow during a difficult mission though she had sensed it, she had no idea how to fight it. Entered the Soul Academy and placed in the Seventh Division, but then moved to Eleventh.


It was a quiet, sunny, peaceful day in the Soul Society. It was Saturday and no one was up yet, except for one person. She walked around the Eleventh Squad barracks, taking in the serine atmosphere, something that was very rare in the fight loving squad. The night before everyone had gone drinking so they were all sleeping off their hangovers. However, this woman was completely fine. Instead, she had been watching over her Lieutenant, Yachiru, so she was hangover free.

The woman watched as the birds flew overhead, listened to the running water in the nearby stream, and felt the light breeze against her skin. It was perfect-

The wall to her right exploded ten feet away and an unranked squad member came flying through. Scratch that, this is completely the opposite, the woman thought to herself.

"Captain!" she yelled. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop going after our unranked officers? You're gonna kill them!"

The Captain, known as Kenpachi Zaraki, peeked his head out from the hole and looked at his Fourth Seat. "How'd you know it was me, Hantaa?" he asked.

The woman sighed in annoyance, grabbing the unranked officer by the arm and hoisting him to his feet, before she proceeded in pushing him off down the path. He staggered dizzily away as Hantaa faced her Captain, arms crossed. "Maybe it's because I've known you for far too long. That and you have a habit of throwing your opponents through walls."

"Ah, I was looking for a good fight."

"He's an unranked officer!"

"My mistake."

Hantaa sighed in frustration, knowing what he was getting at. "Would you like to spar with me, Captain?"

Kenpachi grinned dangerously. "I thought you'd never ask."

It wasn't until lunchtime when they stopped. Hantaa lay on the ground, breathing deeply, trying to get back her breath. Kenpachi lay at the other end of the training grounds, doing the same. A whistle broke through the air and they looked over to see Ikkaku and Yumichika walking toward them.

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