I Will Love You [Renji Abarai] for Vervada7

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Aadan [zanpakuto] in the picture


"Damn it!" Renji yelled in irritation, gritting his teeth, fists clenched. "Why the hell would she do that?"

"Even I have to admit it was a cheap trick," Saru, Zabimaru's female spiritual form, agreed beside the Lieutenant.

They were currently rushing towards the outskirts of the Ninth Division where they could feel spiritual pressure raging in the heat of battle. "But she had a reason to do it," Hebi, the little boy snake, spoke up. "Your friend didn't want us to get hurt."

"It doesn't matter, she could die!" Saru snapped back. "Aadan is not to be messed with! Especially if that person has no zanpakuto!"

"Sera," Renji grumbled in worry and anger.

A thunderous roar shook the area, causing the three to stumble, and Soul Reapers nearby cowered in fear. Flames set fire to the buildings, a steady source floating high in the air. "It's Aadan!" Saru yelled, pointing.

The spirit shot towards the ground at frightening speed, blade in front of his body. "We need to get out of the way, now!" Hebi yelled.

"I know that!"

"But we're a Division way," Renji stated. The woman grabbed the back of his collar, pulling the Lieutenant inside a building.

"It doesn't matter! There's a reason Sera is the granddaughter of the Head Captain! Their zanpakuto powers could wipe the face of the Soul Society from existence! We need protection, now!"

The explosion was massive, leveling the Ninth Division and ripping apart a section of the Eighth and Tenth. But it didn't stop there, the after shock stretching over the Society breaking windows, pushing over barely standing structures, and causing the Soul Reapers' stationed back near the Fourth and First Division to cover their faces from the flying dirt and rubble.

Renji shoved a section of rock off of his body, freeing himself and the zanpakuto. "What the hell...?" The Lieutenant couldn't even find the words, looking over the wasteland that had once been a Division.

"And we got lucky," Saru stated.

The three didn't waste anymore time, rushing through the rubble to the center of the battlefield. "Sera?" Renji called out, looking around.

"Sera?" Hebi's child-like voice dragged out the said girl's name.

They came up on a monstrous crater that stretched for miles, as smoke still grazed the edges. Even the heat was suffocating. "Over there!" Saru yelled.

Aadan's spiritual form was crouched over another, head hanging, shoulders shaking. "It looks like he's calmed down," Hebi stated, seeing that the once burning flames on his figure had been nearly extinguished. "But we should still approach with caution." The other two nodded in agreement.

"Aadan!" Saru called out. "Are you thinking straight again, or still under Muramasa's control?"

The man's form shifted. "Saru, Hebi, I am thinking for myself again," he answered. "But what have I done?" It sounded like he was crying as they approached.

Renji then noticed two arms wrapped around the zanpakuto's neck, covered in soot, cuts, bruises, and burns. His stomach dropped, walking at an angle to look around the fire spirit. "SERA!" the Lieutenant yelled in horror.

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