Bookworm [Kenpachi] for XxCrazyKillerxX

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"Come on, Kenny!" Yachiru exclaimed excitedly. "We're going to be late!"

Kenpachi grunted in response, standing up. "It's not going to be that bad, Captain," Ikkaku pointed out.

"After all, we're only going to the beach," Yumichika added.

"Do you think Bookworm will be there too?" Yachiru asked, popping up in front of them.

Ikkaku shrugged. "Maybe..." he grumbled.

"Yeahy! That would be so much fun! Right, Kenny!"

"Whatever," Kenpachi grumbled. "Let's just go."

The Eleventh Squad members then walked off to join the other Soul Reapers who were also heading off to the beach.


"I really am sorry, Orihime, but I can't come over today."

"Aw, but why not, Alice?" Orihime whined on her end of the phone. "Everyone is going to be there!"

"Because I have exams to take, remember," Alice said, fiddling with the pencil between her fingers. "I was sick for the last week of school so I have to take my finals in two weeks to get an actual grade."

"Oh yeah... you're doing some summer school work to also catch up, right?"

"Exactly. So that's why I can't go to the beach."

"Fine," Orihime pouted. "Good luck with your studies then."

"Thanks, Orihime. Say hi to everyone, will you?"



"What?" Yachiru exclaimed, getting in Orihime's face. "Bookworm's not coming!"

"No, she has studying to do," the teen answered, scratching the back of her neck, while sweat dropping.

"But she has to come! Kenny's here too!"

Orihime looked over at the Captain who stood off to the side, appearing bored. She glanced back at the pink haired little girl. "Well, I'm sorry, but Alice isn't coming."

Yachiru pouted, walking back over to her squad members. "What's got you in a bad mood, Lieutenant?" Yumichika asked.

"Bookworm's not coming," Yachiru answered, still pouting.

Ikkaku cocked an eyebrow. "Why is that?" he asked.

"Something about 'studying'." She looked up at Kenpachi. "What are we going to do, Kenny? Now that Bookworm's not here we're not going to have any fun!"

Kenpachi looked down at his Lieutenant. "Well what do you want me to do about it?" he grumbled.


If x=4, and the square root of 64 is 8, which equals z... 4x/zp + 42 =...

There was a knock at the door. "Coming!" Alice called, picking up her book and pencil with one hand, pushing up the glasses on the bridge of her nose with the other.

4(4) = 16... 8p +42 =...?

Alice opened the door to her two-leveled apartment, not looking up at first to see who it was. She was suddenly tackled to the ground, book and pencil flying from her hand, glasses obscured on her face. Alice blinked a few times, looking up at the ceiling in wonder. "What the...?" she breathed.

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