Making History [Mayuri Kurotsuchi] for YuubeYuki

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"There have been recent reports of a Hollow problem in Karakura Town," Yamamoto relayed.

"When isn't there?" Kenpachi grumbled, making a few Captains snicker in response.

Yamamoto ignored the man's reply, continuing, "I want this matter dealt with and I am sending a Captain immediately. Any volunteers?" There were none. The Head Captain looked over the group before his eyes landed on a candidate. "Captain Kurotsuchi, it's been a while since you've been out on the field."

The Captain's gaze hardened. "That's because I work in the labs," he answered.

"Then I want you to go on this mission and rid the town of these Hollows. Some fresh air could do you some good."

Mayuri scoffed, not having a choice in the matter. "When do I leave?"

"Now," the Head Captain answered.


Kitt Clinton rolled down the street in her wheelchair, steering around pedestrians and bikers. It was a nice day, the warm sun cascading onto her olive toned skin. Her black hair was pulled up into a high ponytail. It was finally summer vacation, meaning that she could spend her days wheeling around and exploring Karakura rather than be cooped up in a classroom.

She wheeled herself into the Main District of Karakura, looking in the shop windows. Kitt visited the bookstore, buying the latest science books, and ate lunch at a small café. She would've called a friend to join her, but they were all working. Kitt being twenty was friends with Orihime, seeing that they were neighbors. She was also held back a few years due to her condition, thus just recently graduating with Orihime's class.

Her one working eye scanned the area, trying to figure out where to go next. Then there was an explosion feet away. The force sent Kitt flying out of her wheelchair, sprawling across the ground. People began to run for cover, not noticing Kitt's fallen form. She did the best she could not to get stepped on, crawling on her arms to get back to the chair.

A large amount of pressure pressed into her back, throwing her off. It made a cold sweat break out on her back, feeling like she was in danger. Slowly, Kitt turned around to be faced with a monster. She was too scared to cry out for help, but that didn't stop the monster from screaming in her face. Kitt waited to be killed, before the monster was slammed into a building. She looked up to find a man with a sword in hand. "Such a shame you're not worthy to be a test subject," he stated. "I was hoping me coming out would've worked to my benefit, but I guess not. Claw out, Ashisogi Jizo!"

Kitt watched as the sword transformed. She looked on in shock as the man slashed at the monster, rendering some limbs useless. The monster looked back down at Kitt, lunging forward trying to eat her. Mayuri's eyes landed on the human lying on the ground. At the last second, he appeared in front of her, slicing the thing in half.

"Stupid girl for not leaving," he muttered, sheathing the sword.

"Well excuse me for not being able to walk," she shot back.

Mayuri's eyes flashed towards Kitt in surprise. "You can see me."

"As clear as day. And thank you for saving me..."

"My name is not important."

Kitt rolled her eyes, trying to turn her wheelchair upright. Mayuri, seeing her trouble, stepped forward, setting it back up. He then lifted her into the chair, handing over the bag of books that lay strewn on the ground.

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