Chapter 21 - A Lonely Number

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(Nolan's POV)

The room had fallen dark and cold now. Mandy had left the room so I could have a few minutes with Lou. I wasn't sure what to do. It wasn't fair. I felt like it might've been some terrible dream. I pinched myself, but It didn't do any good.

Mandy walked in and watched me through her glasses as I ran my fingers through Lou's hair. My eyes stung too much for me to cry anymore.

"He's still warm.. He's just sleeping.. That's all.. Just sleeping.."

Mandy sighed. She strolled closer with a dejected look. It was probably the 100th time I'd said it. I couldn't help it. I guess subconsciously, I thought as long as he was warm, there was still a chance he'd wake up.

"Mandy...Would it be possible-...Well...Would it be possible to give him my heart?"

Her brown eyes grew wide. Her head shook as she spoke.

Mandy: That's...That's never even been done before. Nolan, that's very sweet of you, but it's not worth the risk-

"But that's all he needs, right? Other than his heart, he's completely healthy!"

Mandy: Well, yeah but you'd basically be giving your own life in exchange for his! We still don't know what's going on. We don't even know if that would work!

I looked down at the blonde. His complexion was paler than it had been earlier.

"He's important, Mandy. Much more important than I will ever be."

Mandy: That's not true-

"What else is there to do?! I can't just accept this! You think the dolls who are stuck here are gonna accept that they will never leave this place?!"

I hadn't noticed I was shouting or standing until Mandy was leaning away from me. I apologized for yelling and sat back down, next to Lou. I played with the ring around my finger and sniffled.

"Please, Mandy. I couldn't live with myself if I did absolutely nothing."

She gazed into my eyes, wondering if I was sane anymore. She knew exactly what I meant.

She sighed.

Mandy: ...Worst case scenario: The operation fails, and you both die. Are you really willing to take that risk?

I looked at Lou and back at Mandy. It was barely even a question for me.

"It would suck if we both died...but I couldn't keep living without him in my life. So...yeah. It's a chance I'll have to take."

Mandy: Alright. Fine. Then I suppose we'll have to do this right away. I'll have to find a surgeon, though.

"Y-you can't do it?"

Mandy: I don't know much about doing surgeries. It would be best if we found a surgeon.

The thought of helping Lou was like seeing the beautiful moon in the middle of a cold, dark, night.
She smiled back at me.
I wanted to smile back, but instead I felt warm liquid making its way up my throat and puked it onto the floor.

Mandy: Oh! Are you alright?!


Mandy: Are you sick?

She grabbed a towel nearby and placed it ontop of where the vomit was.

Mandy: If you're sick, then maybe we shouldn't do this-

"I'm not sick. I'm not. I'm just.. stressed. That's all. Please, let me do this. I'm not sick, I promise."

She looked at me for a while trying to see if I was lying or not.
Truth is, I might've actually been sick. I had been vomiting for a while, but I hadn't seen a doctor yet.

MINE (Part II) - Nolou/Uglydolls FanficWhere stories live. Discover now