Chapter 25 - The Fun Part

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(Nolan's POV)

"Please. Just let us leave."

Micheal pulled his arm away from me while shooting a death stare at me. 

Micheal: Well, you know what? I'm in a good mood today. So I'll let you leave. On one condition.

My stomach began to stir. I didn't want to find out what he had in mind. He suddenly leaned closer to me and whispered his command. Thankfully, it was too quite for Lachlan to hear. In fact, I could barely hear him myself. A grin spread across his face only a few inches from mine. I hated what he was demanding from me, but I couldn't help but take the opportunity.

"Fine. Whatever."

He stood up without a word and disappeared as quickly as he appeared. I took a deep breath. I made my way over to Lachlan and spoke to him again.

"Lachlan? We're gonna go home now, okay?"

He poked his head out. I felt my heart shatter as he rubbed away the tears  from his sky blue eyes. I hated myself. Somehow I always managed to make the wrong decision. I brought him into a hug and lifted him up. He sniffled a bit before grabbing our drawstring bag. I couldn't think of anything to say, so I just grabbed his hand tightly.

After treading through piles of snow, we finally made it home. 

"Are you okay?"

The brunette nodded his head and gave me a smile.

"Alright. Would you like something to eat?"

Lachlan: Yes, please.

And so, I made him lunch. Fact is, dolls don't actually need food. We mainly just need water. In fact, we could survive probably a long time without food. But Lou and Lachlan were different. Lou was a prototype so he did need food. Just like a human would. It was the same with Lachlan, especially because he was a growing child. Lachlan needed food more than I did. Which is why I searched so desperately for it.  And why I rarely ate.

Lachlan: Do you want some, dad?

"No, I'm alright. You eat. You need it more than I do."

Lachlan: But...We can share.

I smiled at him as he held up his plate of spaghetti. At that moment he was like me. I remembered the countless times I felt guilty eating something on my own and ended up sharing with someone. 

"That's very sweet, Lachlan. I'll eat later, alright?"

He replied with a soft "Okay" and began eating. I took out my phone and went through it. There was nothing. No emails. No texts. Nothing. The downfall with our phones, was that you could only contact someone who was in the institute. I sighed and placed my phone back into my pocket. I guess subconsciously, I was hoping there would be some kind of sign that someone else was out there.

I looked at the small boy who sat at the other end of the table. He was wiping his freckled face with a napkin for what was probably the hundredth time. I remembered when Lou did that a lot. He would clean his face after almost every bite of something, and he couldn't stand having crumbs somewhere other than the plate. I smiled to myself and stood up.

"I'm gonna check on Lou, okay? I'll be right back."

I made my way up the stairs and into the room where Lou lay. My eyes wandered to the floor where a ball of white and black fluff was curled up. I bent down and patted it.

The old husky looked at me, but remained laying down. Lately, he'd spend his time laying beside Lou's bed. I pet his head and stood up again, turning my attention to the sleeping blonde. I sat on the bed next to him and listened to his gentle breathing.  

"Hey, Lou."

There was no response but I smiled still.

"We ran into Micheal earlier... Fortunately he let us leave."

I ran my fingers through his soft, golden hair. 

"...I shouldn't have brought Lachlan with me. I just thought since he rarely goes out- Well...I don't know what I was thinking...Anyways...We're okay."

I looked outside the window. The wind had picked up once again. I smiled at Lou. I couldn't help but feel like he could hear me.

"You've already missed a lot,'re gonna be a great dad. The best."


"I'll be quick alright?"

Lachlan: But...But what if th-the uh- What if the blueberry man gets you?

"The blueberry man?"

Lachlan: Yeah! He ate so many blueberries his hair turned blue.

I laughed and ruffled the boy's hair. I could understand why he'd think blue hair was weird. All his life, he'd only seen blonde and brown. 

"Aw.. how precious you are."

I stood up straight and zipped my jacket up. Suddenly, the brunette grabbed my sleeve. He had an expression of concern and worry. I realized he hadn't meant to be silly.

Lachlan: Don't go, dad. Please. Just stay here. I'll behave, I promise.

I hugged him, and struggled not to cry.

"I just have to take care of something, okay? I need you to be a big boy now, alright? Can you do that?"

Lachlan: Y-yeah...

"I won't be too long. Just keep Lou company while I'm gone, alright?"

I kissed his forehead and hugged him again.

"I love you, okay?"

Lachlan: I love you, too.

I smiled and opened the door, letting the cold breeze into the house. I waved to my son and he waved back.

 It was already late evening, and the sky was almost a purple shade. I trudged through the snow until I finally arrived to my destination. The cold nipped at the tips of my fingers as I knocked on the door. Almost immediately, the door opened, but no one was there. I walked into the dark blue house and closed the door behind me.

Micheal: So you actually came. I got to admit, I didn't think you would. 

"Well, not like I had much choice, did I?"

I turned and locked eyes with the male doll who stood in front of me. My eyes wandered to his neck and his wrists. I decided his neck was more exposed, and I smiled at him.

For a moment, I thought I'd lost my mind. Never before had I felt such adrenaline. Such excitement. For once I had almost no hesitation whatsoever.

Micheal: I knew you'd realize sooner or later that we were going to.. hang out again. Eventually.

He began to unbutton his shirt, making his neck and chest even more vulnerable. My smile grew.

Micheal: Let's just get to the fun part, shall we?

My right hand remained in my pocket, caressing a sharp blade I'd brought from home.

"Yes. Let's."

MINE (Part II) - Nolou/Uglydolls FanficWhere stories live. Discover now