Chapter 27 - A Sign Of Strength

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(Lou's POV)

Nolan: Oh, maybe you should give yourself more time. Don't force yourself, Lou.

The brunette supported my arm. It was strange. It hadn't felt like more than 10 minutes I was asleep. Yet it had been 7 years.

"...okay. Can you walk me to the bathroom? Please?"

Nolan: Of course!

He helped me get off of the stairs and left after I asked to have a moment alone. The first thing I did was remove my shirt. I inhaled deeply and glanced at myself in the mirror.

I caressed the scar that spread down vertically across my chest. A nervous chuckle escaped my lips.

I breathed in deeply, suddenly feeling lightheaded. I wasn't yet used the scar I had attained.
I took another deep breath.

Nolan: Are you okay?

I flinched and turned to the doorway.

"Uh, yes. I'm fine."

Nolan looked down at the floor with his green and purple eyes. His hair was a bit longer than I remembered. Just above his shoulders.

Nolan: I'm sorry about your scar.

Anyone might think that it was his fault from the way he apologized. I shook my head and gave him a small smile.

"It's not your fault. Don't apologize."

I hugged him tightly and embraced him. He probably thought I'd be mad for have an...unlovely scar. I wasn't. I just didn't think It'd be so big. (Author: That's what she said. LOL)

But anyways..

A couple days had passed when I was fully recovered. After reassuring Nolan that I was okay, he let me walk around the house alone while he did some laundry and cleaned dishes. Occasionally he had to go to his office. To do mayor stuff, probably.

I remember one moment I was looking at the pictures on the wall when and I noticed a certain child staring up at me. He stood right by my side. Just staring in curiosity. As if I was some kind of amusing artifact in a museum. We hadn't interacted much, but I could tell he was generally a quiet kid. He didn't want to talk if he didn't need to.

"Um...Lachlan, right?"

He nodded slowly. His eyes were almost the same shade of blue as mine. Just a few shades lighter.

I looked back at him, but his demeanor hadn't changed. His eyes were locked onto me.

I wondered what it was really like to be around a child. "Are all children this quiet when they're young?" I asked myself. 

I wondered if he still needed diapers changed. Or if he drooled everywhere and chewed on things he wasn't supposed to. I continued to look at a picture on the wall of Nolan and Lachlan, but younger. It was obvious that Nolan was caught unaware of the photographer. Or maybe his focus was just completely directed at the baby he held on his hands. Either way, he looked so happy. Yet so sad at the same time.

Lachlan: You're pretty.

My eyes had widened a bit at the sudden compliment. I turned to him and smiled.

"Oh. Thank you."

He smiled at me, finally blinking. I smiled back. Suddenly, a familiar voice called from a couple doors down the hallway.

Nolan: Lachlan, come brush your teeth!

The small brunette left my side. I followed him and watched from the doorway. Nolan stood near the sink beside Lachlan, who stood on a box so he could see in the mirror.

Lachlan: Done!

Nolan: Aw no, that was too quick, buddy..

Lachlan: But there's nothing in my teeth.

Nolan: Nope! Do it again, mister!

Lachlan: But it's spIcyyy!

I couldn't help but smile. It was one of the cutest things I'd ever seen. The playful tone in Nolan's voice was one I hadn't heard much of before. It was adorable. Nolan and I exchanged a smile before Lachlan finished and went to bed.

I followed Nolan to our bedroom quietly, with my hands behind my back.

He removed his shirt and put on a PJ top that went down to the middle of his thighs. He changed into shorts and plopped himself onto the bed. He noticed I was watching and sat up.

Nolan: You okay?

"Oh, um...yeah. Sorry."

I sat next to him and gazed into his eyes. He was adorable in his outfit. I licked my lips before leaning over to kiss him. He blushed lightly, but didn't back away. Our lips connected and we shared an intense moment with each other.

He moved onto his back resting on the pillows behind him, while I crawled over top of him. I kissed his neck and moved his shirt up a bit so I could touch his bare waist. Suddenly, he jerked up.

Nolan: W-wait!

I stopped and made eye contact with him.

Nolan: Um...You're still recovering. You should rest.

"I've been resting for years, bunny. Besides...I feel fine."

I pecked his jawline, before he stopped me again.

Nolan: W-well...still.

He sat up. I did the same. I could tell that wasn't the real reason.

"What's wrong? You don't want to? It's okay if you don't."

He mumbled something and rubbed his right arm. He suddenly looked guilty. Really guilty.

"You can tell me, bunny. It's okay."

He looked into my eyes. He looked ashamed. It was heartbreaking.

Nolan: Well.. I'm.. kind of gross now... I have marks and scars...on my stomach.

"Let me see them. They can't be that bad."

He pressed his legs together before taking off his top. On his lower stomach, he had some marks that indicated stretched skin. Below those, he had a scar that was in a C formation. And on his chest, he had a vertical scar identical to mine. The brunette looked everywhere but me.

"Oh, Nolan...I can barely see them."

Nolan: Yeah, right.

"They're from your pregnancy, right?"

He nodded, still looking at the ground. A light blush formed on his cheeks.

"I think they're cute. And hey, we have matching scars."

He finally glanced at me and smiled a bit.

"Don't be ashamed of them, okay? Scars are like beauty marks. They're a sign of strength, too. "

He smiled.

Nolan: So cheesy. You haven't changed...

"Nope! And now that we share one heart, you're stuck with me for all eternity."

He smiled at my comment.

Nolan: If it's alright, though... Can we not do it now? Please?


I moved closer to him for a second time, and kissed his forehead.

Every one of his features was beautiful. His freckles were endearing and his eyes were every bit as mesmerizing. And his hair and skin was as soft as any cloud on a warm, summer day.

Nolan: I thought you'd never wake up...

He sobbed into my chest and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back and kissed his head.

"It'll be okay. I'm here now."

I rubbed his back in comfort.
It was hard to believe 7 years had passed.
I held him tight and vowed that I would somehow make it up to him.

The End ~

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