chapter 23

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Check trailer out!!

Kendalls pov.

After an awkward goodbye hug from Matt, I made my way inside. Sawyers engine was still on, and I layed on the couch, drifting off to sleep; Lily still outside. I let myself drift off, but groaned when I remembered school tomorrow. I got up and went into my room, trying to get started on homework.

I had one page left when I heard the door shut. Lily was obviously finally inside. I quickly finished the last question and shut my book, incredibly tired. I brushed my teeth and braided my hair and finally dozed off, my brain clouded by confused thoughts.

After about three hours, I realised I wasn't getting any sleep. I grunted and jumped out of bed. three am; my phone read. I sighed and walked outside, pulling my hoodie over my head.

I tried to think about everything and get it out of my head, but I later realised that was the whole problem. I shook my head and layed down, reading an online book. I felt myself drifting off and I sighed; this is nice.


I was not expecting to wake up to see a message from Matt. I looked at the unknown number and felt happy when I read the short message.

"Hey, It's matt. This might be super weird, pretty sure it is; but I haven't really been able to stop thinking about tonight. Lol gay I know, anyway can we go out this afternoon or something?"

I giggled and felt my heart racing, and I typed back a sure and put my phone down before I added anything else. He texted back less then a minute later, suggesting we go to the yogurt shop after school and I agreed, even though the thought of eating the sugary food is taunting.

I took my now blonde hair out of its braid and applied some lipstick and some mascara then got out a pair of jeans and a v-neck for school. I have never worn anything like this before, but it seems to be the only thing clean at the moment.

I bit my lip at my reflection, I've never been this open. Even though it's just jeans, they're pretty tight. The top shows a bit of cleavage also; It wouldn't show it on any other person but thanks to my genetics, my chest was way too big to not be seen. No matter what I wore.

I walked out of the door and to school; trying to remember my schedule. I remember maths first, but you can never be too sure. I walked down the familiar lane-way and saw a group of girls and boys, crowded around. There wouldn't have been more then four boys, two girls. I looked over at them and grew confused, what were they doing?

I continued on, trying to come up with ideas. I looked over again; one of the girls was looking at me. She was just staring at me with a smirk. The only other female there had a phone in her hand, obviously recording. Out of my common sense, I walked up to them. I knew I should have just kept them alone, but I couldn't go the day without knowing.

I felt sick when I saw what they were doing. This young kid, no older then 13 or even 14 was sitting on the ground, bleeding. He was a little chubby, but nothing weird about him, if anything he was attractive. "You're a fucking fatty!" A kid yelled. I snapped my head over to him and wondered how I hadn't noticed the four boys all surrounding him, throwing random kicks or punches.

"Can I fucking help you?" A pitchy voice spoke. I turned my head and saw a girl around my age, maybe a little older looking back at me. I scrunched my nose up in disgust at her and said "Do you girls have no brain? What is wrong with you?"

They both looked at me in anger and I felt I should have just left myself out of it.

"I mean Uh, no. Sorry." They both scoffed and I turned on my heel walking away. This isn't right, That kid will most likely continue to get beat up and insulted until he is unconscious. I quickly dropped my bag and ran back up to them.

"Get away from him" I yelled, pushing through the boys. They all looked at me, shocked. Until they all got the same look on their face. I quickly bent down and tried to help the boy up.

"Come on." I muttered, trying to pull him over my shoulder. He groaned and before I could stand up, his body was pushed off me as I was pushed with him. Before I fell on the ground; I was caught. I looked up and saw one of the boys holding me, licking his lips. I tried to wriggle out of his hold but he wouldn't let me go. "Let go of me!" I screamed. He didn't blidge.

"You're a hot looking thing, how bout we make a deal?" He offered. I smiled, finally he might realise this kid doesn't deserve anything.

"We'll stop beating the kid, if you fuck me and another of my mates. A threesome. If you say no, we'll just have to beat him harder." He said. My smile fell. I felt anger and I felt sick, so I raised my fist and punched him in the face. As hard as I possibly could.

"Fucking bitch!" He yelled. I smiled, but that smile left as soon as I saw the other three boys coming up to me. I quickly ducked my head under ones arms, throwing a punch at the back of his head. He fell to the ground, ouch. That actually would hurt, pretty bad. I turned and saw the other two boys coming up to me at the same time, along with the two boys I punched. The girl was still recording and All I could think was;

I really shouldn't have gotten myself into this mess.

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