Chapter 16

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Kendalls POV

My phone alarm rung and I silently prayed that it wasnt actually friday, and this whole thing was a joke. But nope, it was Friday. And Sawyer texted me double checking everything was ok. I gave out an unnatractive grunt and threw my covers off of me. allthough it was a rarity to see Sawyer text me first, it was too early to celebrate. The doorbell rung and I opened it to an unhappy Heidi. Her hair was in a bun, and she had two Mcdonalds coffees in hand.

"Let's just get this over with" She said dramatically then threw her keys on the counter. I laughed at her and we headed into my bedroom, gettting ready for a really, really boring day.

Three Assignments and 6 textbooks later, It's 8PM. I tucked away my now finished homework and started getting ready. I took a quick shower, making sure to shave my legs and then turned on the hair straightner. After straightening one part of my hair, I noticed that it made me look more boring and like everyone else then good. 

"Heidi! I need some help with my hair!" I yelled. She walked in the bathroom with a smile on her face and didn't even respond before sitting my down on my bed and  playing with my wet brown locks.

After less then five minutes she happily exclaimed she was done. I turned my face in a fake smile when I saw my hair. It was in a fishtail to the side and allthough it wasn't horrible, it didn't suit me.

"Oh god no you're not going like that, it's so that after your makeup when we take your hair out, it will be in absolutely gorgeous waves. Your hair is to die for when it's like that." She told me, reading my thoughts. I sighed in relief and thanked her before moving onto makeup.

I started with tinted moisturizer to look more natural, then I did winged eyeliner and a smokey eye. It was the perfect amount, not too much but not too little. I then applied bronzer to my cheekbones and red lipstick to my lips, making my teeth look whiter and made my eyes pop their natural blue.

I put the dress on Heidi brought over and felt sick. It was a V-neck black pencil dress with gold glitter on the sleeves that came a few inches past my shoulder. The V-Neck made my boobs look bigger, and the dress made my ass look huge. The problem was, It didn't even reach my knees. I have never worn something so tight and revealing. I turned to Heidi and shook my head. "Absolutely not, it shows every fat roll I have." I said, losing my appetite for the next day or two. Heidi looked at me in shock and turned me to the mirror.

"I have no clue why you see your body like that, but you have the best body a girl can have. The dress shows your hipbones and your godlike boobs, I'd die to look like that Kendall." She told me, and by the look on her face I knew she meant it.

I looked in the mirror and a smile went on my face when I saw my flat stomach; allthough I'm not too proud about why it's flat, it still makes my body look good. I have big boobs and a big butt, I can thank mum for that.

I took a deep breath and Heidi sat me down and blowdryed my hair when it was still in the fishtail. When she took it out she curled it a tiny, tiny bit before she said "done!" and clapped her hands.

I looked at myself and felt confident and at ease. Heidi looked gorgeous, her dark red hair in a bun with two strands of hair out at the front. She had more makeup on then me, only because she has her mums skin. She hates how tan it is so she covers it with lighter foundation.

"You ready?" She asks me.

I took a last look in the mirror and a smirk grew on my face when I replied;

"Fuck Yes"

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