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The day it all began.


"Stop yelling at me. I don't get what you're trying to say to me, I didn't do anything wrong." I said in a calm tone.

"Don't know what you did wrong! Are you kidding me!" She bellowed.

Her dark brown eyes widened at me and I leaned my head forward, hinting I'm waiting for an answer.

"Stop being so fucking disrespectful to me! I have been nothing but kind to you, and this is what I get? You think because your dad is here I'm going to hold back? I'm not going to! You know why, Rachel?" She sneered.

"Well you're about to tell me anyway" I replied with a smirk.

"Because he loves me much more then he ever has or most importantly ever will love you, Rachel! That's it! You're nothing but a burden in this house. Nothing but another problem he has to deal with. Get out! I hate seeing you, just get out!" She screamed, bunching her chubby, pale hands into fists.

She thinks she got to me. Heck, she knows she got to me. Who says this? What kind of vile human talks to someone they vowed to love like this? Is this even sane?

"You know what, Sandra? Do you want to know what? I'm fucking amazing. I love who I am, and most importantly I love who I am becoming. You think you get to me all the time, don't you?" I said to her.

She pursed her lips at me and did her all too famous head roll, as if saying 'Wanna go me?' It's sad, embarrassing too.

"Guess what Sandra? You don't. I am fourteen and I make more money then you. Isn't that sad? Maybe relish on that for the next six years while you sit in this bed, eating packet after packet of M & M's, watching whatever sad 70's sitcom is on TV and demanding your fiancé go get you MORE FOOD. That's all you seem to do all day anyway. " I said.

She looked like she was about to blow. Her grey- brown hair was stuck up in different directions, with her grey hair at the front becoming more noticeable by the second. Her large physique was shaking in anger, her chubby and wrinkly face all pursed. I laughed, as loud as I could. I laughed straight into her pissed off face.

"You never get to me, Sandra. Nobody get's to me" I whispered, my breath fanning her face we were so close. Without another word I walked out, waiting for her to follow.

I ran into my room, packing my bag expecting what was about to come. I packed my school things, my sport things and everything in between. My guess is I won't be coming here for a while. Thanks to seven years of my parents divorce, I was well experienced with knowing how to pack everything fast.

I ran upstairs, bag in hand and made my way towards the door.

Just as I was near the door, I felt a tug at my hair and I felt backwards onto the tiles. It didn't hurt, just merely a tug and a fall. I whipped my head around and came face to face with the stepmonster herself. My ugly, annoying and most importantly bratty stepsister.

"How dare you talk to my mother like that!" She screamed in my ear. I laughed at her and smiled. "I'll speak to whoever I want however I like, thankyou for your concern." She raised an eyebrow, her pale and dry features all scrunching upwards.

"I wouldn't test me. I could break you faster then you blink" She said.

I waited a moment, then replied "I just blinked, and I'm still in one piece. I have a little bit of a feeling you're telling a tad of a fib there. Nice try though."

She went to slap me but I grabbed her hand, her slow hand was much to easy for my football reflexes. Using her own hand, I pushed her onto the ground.

I went to turn around and the last thing I saw was the glimpse of her crying. Seriously?

Just as I thought I was in peace, dad came in.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" He screamed, pushing me back and away from the crying seventeen year old on the floor.

"What is wrong with me?! Are you kidding, dad! They have been nothing but horrible to me and you blame me? This happens everytime dad, You don't even listen to the story but Sandra tells you I'm involved and you run up and punish me. No more! I'm tired of this absolute bullshit!" I screamed, swallowing my tears down.

He punched the wall that was next to me, just scraping by my face.

"You're fucking disgusting!" He screamed.

"Not like you would notice." I said back, looking sternly in his eyes. My face flushed of any emotions.

"You're no longer my daughter to me. Get out." he said.

"I never really was though, was I?" I said.

Without another glance I turned and walked out, preparing for the twelve mile walk to my mothers house. I looked back and let myself rid of the tears that built up. The wind blowing on the tears helping to soothe me.

I was done with them. Done with being stepped all over. From now on, I would be nothing but sneaky, smart and most importantly; I would be on top.

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