More then one potter

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We had a plan

We were all going to go to Harry's , pick Harry up , drink polyjuice potion and look like them bring him over to the burrow. That way the death water won't know who the real Harry is.

Hargid nocked on the door and Harry opened it. Him and Ron and mione hugged him.

When they pulled apart harry looked at me with a big smile on his face and I ran up to him jumping wrapping my legs around his waist and brung him in for a kiss, he put his hands under my legs to keep me from falling

" right you two thats enough I don't want to be sick" Ron Said

And I got of Harry and looked at Ron

" oh when we back to the burrow , Harry and I are going to go into the room next to yours and when you try and sleep Harry and I are going to have sex really loud until the point you do a dobby and repeatedly hit your head with a lamp" I said

" just use protection don't want little potters running about as we already have a little potter running about" Ron Said looking at Harry

" oi I'm not that's small" Ron said

" mate Hermione is almost if not taller then you" Ron said

" Harry Cassie let's get on with this" Moody Said

" the sex or -"I was cut of by Moody glaring at me

" just get inside now"


" I believe your families with this particular brew" Moody Said

" no absolutely not we are not doing that" Harry said

" told you he will take it well" I said holding Harry's hand and I look at him
" is that a new jacket" I said

Harry just looked at me and smiled shaking his head " you can nick it later"

" aww I like how you think I wouldn't do it without your permission" I said

" Cassie shut it!"

" Moody I won't!" I Said making people laugh

" I won't let anyone risk their life for me" Harry Said referring to the potion

" we haven't done that before" Ron Said

"No becoming me it's different" Harry Said

" Harry James Potter! You will let everyone do this or I swear to Godric I will ban you from having sex and I will take your broom and burn it" I Said and everyone laughed at me

" fine" Harry said causing people to laugh more

Mione took some of Harry hair put it in the potion.

The twins , Ron , mione, flur and bill all took he potion but I didn't

" why are not taking it.?" Harry asked

" I'm going to be riding on one of the Potter copies brooms as it creates more of a trick as the death eaters will think I won't abandon you." I Said

" wow we're identical" the twins said

The Potter copies began to change clothes and one of the potters turned to me

" bet your loving this Cassie, lots of Harry's getting undress in front of you" Fred Said , I knew it was Fred

" not complaining if I'm being honest, just up set your not going the full way of undressed" I said

We set off flying on the brooms, u was flying with Potter Ron.

Death eater come from everywhere firing spells at us.

Soon we got to the burrow.

We got on the ground and I ran to Harry crushing him in a hug

" hedwig is gone, she saved me" Harry Said

" oh harry" I hugged him harder

We all go to see how George is doing and bill told us mad eye is dead.



I was curled up to Harry as he was sleeping and I felt Harry begging to stir and he woke up suddenly

" Harry you okay?" I asked

"Yeh" he got up and got his wand and bag and went out of the room

I got my jacket on and my wand and followed him outside

" Harry where do you think your going" I Said and Ron was behind be

" nobody else is going to die not for me" Harry Said

" for you" Ron asked

" you think mad eye died for you , you think George took that curse for you, you may be the chosen on mate but this is a whole lot bigger than that, it's always been bigger than that. Even Cassie isn't doing this for you" Ron Said and Harry looked at me then back at Ron " she's doing all this so both her dads didn't die in vain."

" come with me then" Harry Said

" are bloody made , we wouldn't last two days without her .... don't tell her I said that beside we've still got the wedding" Ron Said

" I don't care about a wedding" Harry Said

"Rude" I told him

" it will be different if it's out Cassie but I have to start finding these Horcruxes, they're out only chance to beat him" Harry said

" no shit Sherlock but don't let Tom ruins your life completely and more importantly don't let Tom ruin a chance to see your girlfriend in a cute dress which she has been excited to put on" I Said

" I've just realised you reface to him as Tom now not Voldemort" Ron Said

" calling him Tom will piss him off even more and dad used to do it so why can't I, plus it lets me call him Thomas the tank engine" I said

" your a weird child you know that's right" Ron Said

" I know , I do it on purpose" I said walking back into the burrow and I heard Ron and Harry talking

" never let go of her mate , your won't find another one" Ron Said

" don't worry , I'm not planing on it" Harry Said

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