Battle of hogwarts

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The sun began to rise and Neville and I where walking outside, he was concerned for me.

He found the sorting hat and picked it up and put it on my head and laughed at me and I laughed a little as well before taking it off and giving it back to him the frown returning we looked up and saw people walking to us.

Death eaters

More people gathered around us.

I looked to see Harry being held by Hagrid

" Harry Potter is head!!!" Tom yelled

I didn't run.

I just looked at he boy who I loved.

" Harry Potter is dead and from this day forth you put your faith in me" Tom Said

" I will push you in the lake again tom!"
I yelled walking towards him ready to punch him and people looked at me from both sides then at Tom

" Ahhh Cassiopeia" Tom as he stood in front of me grabbing my chin forcing me to look up at him "it was a foolish thing for you to do"

" yeah but it was funny so I liked it, as I will like this" and I spat in his face and he backhanded me making fall on the floor and I burst out laughing " worth it!"

Neville rushes and pointed his wand Tom and pulled me up an dragged me away from him

" already moved on Cassiopeia, poor Harry" Tom Said

" cloak still damp a bit there Tommy" I Said back and he glared at me and I smirked at him

" fuck off" he yelled back

" Haha baldy voldy with wet cloaksy"

" I'm waring you"

" Cassie stop" Neville Said so I shrugged and walked back with him.

If I got polish and sprayed it on Toms head and wiped it would it reflect things?

" As I was saying, it's time to declare yourself come forward and join us or die"

" Draco" blond Barbie Said and I looked at Draco

" Don't you dare Draco, if you do I will disown you as my cousin"

Draco began to walk forward and I glared at him and just as it looked like he was walking to Tom he turned around and walked to me , putting his hand in mine

" HAHA see that Barbie girl I stole your son!! Sorry Cissy" I Said every happily and Draco laughed a little

Then Neville started to walk forward

" oi Neville ass back here" I Said and Tom look at me

" even your new boyfriend is joining me"

" He's not my boyfriend! I'm not that lucky to have him as one"  I said

Tom ignored me and looked at Neville

" well I must say I hoped for better" he said and the death eaters laughed


" so who might you be" He asked Neville

" Neville longbottom"

" well Neville I'm sure we can a place in for you in your ranks"

" I'd like to say something" Neville Said and Tom looked pissed off which I laughed at bit and Draco told me to shush

" well Neville I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what our have to say"

" it doesn't matter that Harry's gone, people die everyday , friends , family , yeah , we lost Harry tonight but he's still with us , in here" he said pointing to his heart "So is Fred and Remus, Tonks all of them , they didn't die in vain"
He looked at Tom and said
" but you will because your wrong , Harry's heart did beat for us for all of us , this is not over" and he pulled the fucking sword out of the sorting hat


And just at that point Harry jumped out of Hagrid's arms, well you little shit

Tom started to attack Harry and I yelled out at Tom


Tom looked at me and shot the killing curse at me but Draco stoped it and deflected it killing a death eater

Draco grabbed my arms and dragged me away as I was sticking my tongue out to Tom

Harry walked up to us and gave Draco a nod

" I'll lure him into the castle, we have to kill the snake" Harry Said

Draco and I went one way trying to find the snake but we found something better

"FOR REGULUS!!!" A voice shouted and there was Kreacher leading an army of elves with the locket wrapped around his neck in honour of my father, they went and started to attack death eaters. And he turned and smiled at me and carried on running into battle

I hit Draco shoulder

" come on let's join them" I said running after my elf and Draco not far behind me

I ran next to Kreacher and with Draco on the other side of me

" FOR REGULUS!! I shouted and all the elves copied.

So there I was in the middle of a battle with my cousin on one side and my elf on the other.

" getting tired Draco!" I yelled and ask killing a death eater

" not a chance you?!"

" not in the lightest, Kreacher?" I asked

" never been better Cassie!" He shouted back

Then all of a sudden we saw this black grey smoke going into the sky as Neville killed the snake.

All the death eaters around us vanished.

I turned to Draco jumping in his arms and he swung me around

" we did it!!"

" thank fucking finally!!" I yelled and I went down and picked Kreacher up

" we did it Cassie!"

" we sure did Kreacher" I Said kissing his head.

I looked and saw Harry walking towards me.

Harry ran and crashed his lips onto mine

" I love you so much" he said

" I love you too"

" and I loved it if I didn't see that" Draco Said and Harry turned to Draco and they both glared at each other until  Harry held out his hand which Draco shook

" thanks for sticking by her"

" well I saw there for her when you weren't" Draco Said

" boys" I warned them

Harry looked at me

" Cassie did you push Voldemort into a lake" he asked me and both Draco and Kreacher looked at me.

" oh is that Filch need help, coming !!" I yelled walking away hearing all the boys laughed at me


Harry, Ron , Mione and I stood on the bridge and Harry came and gave me my wand that looked like the elder wand

" I believe this is yours" Harry said giving it me.

" I can't believe your wand plan worked" Ron Said

" neither can I"

" so what are you going to do with the elder wand?" Mione Said

" well I'm going to keep it, but I'm going to keep it looking like my original wand, and put the wand that looks like the ended wand in my vault, as a decoy of you will, so if anyone tried to take it, it will be a fake. While I'll have the real one on me"

" hidden in plain sight" mione said

" hidden in plain sight"

We all looked back as the castle and laughed

" I can't believe we did it" I Said

" we saved the wizarding world" Ron Said

It All Ends ~ Cassiopeia Dumbledore~ Part 2  deathly hallows Where stories live. Discover now