He fucked up

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When I I opened my eyes I realised I was back in the tent.

" Cassie!" Someone yelled and I saw Harry to my side and he hugged me.
" thank Godric your awake" he said and he brought me into a kiss. 

" Short Stacks!!" I heard Ron say and Harry I looked to see Ron running in, he went and pushed Harry away and hugged me
" your fucking ass for making me scared again" he said

" Ron I was hugging her" harry said

" my little sister, I get top priority" Ron said and laughed

"I'm her boyfriend!" Harry Said

" boyfriends can be replaced , siblings can't , piss off" Ron Said

Harry mumbles something about Ron being a twat and walks off.

I pulled out of the hug and looked at Ron

" why are you being mean to Harry" I asked Ron

" I'm hungry" Ron replied causing me to laugh I look at his arm hen back at his face

" are you okay , how's your arm"

" it's okay, how are you you did faint" Ron asked then he looked at my neck and frowned

" what?"

" what do you have a hand print on your neck?" He asked

" what?" I asked and looked in a mirror and saw a red hand print on my neck
" it was real..." I said to my self

" what was real"

" that's how he died....." I said reality hit me realising I just watched my father die. I felt tears down face and I looked at Ron

" I watched him die Ron..." I Said

" who? Cassie"

" he drowned .... I couldn't save him....." I Said and I sat back on the bed

" I'll get Harry" Ron Said and not long after Harry ran in and knelt in front of me holding my hands

" baby look at me" he said and I looked at him

" I watched him die...." I said

" Cassie you need to tell me what happens" Harry said running is thumb over my knuckles

" Tom... he ... he made me watch my father die.... I couldn't do anything ..... then he asked me to join him .... he wanted me on his side.... I said no and made fun of him ..... then he ...."

" what did he do" Harry Said and I pointed to my neck and I saw Harry's face turn into one of anger but it went away and he sat next to me and brought me into a hug stroking my hair

" it's okay baby , I've got you."

" don't leave me..."

" I won't."

We stayed like that for a bit and mione sat next to me putting a hand on my shoulder while Ron was walking forwards and backwards , he good hand clenched into a fist

" I'm going to kill him! No one touches my little sister no one!" Ron Said

" Ron calm down" mione says

" calm down, calm down! Hermione that son of a bitch forced Cassie to watch as her dad drown , and on top of that he wrapped his fucking hand around her throat no one chokes her" Ron Said

" you heard him Harry you can't do that anymore" I smirked and Harry went bright red

"Run mate" Ron said and Ron chased Harry out of the tent, causing me to laugh

" really Cassie?" Mione

" what?" I asked innocently knowing full well what I did.

We both laughed and then I remembered something causing me to stand up and get really excited

" Cassie what is it?" Mione asked in concern

" Tom fucked up" I said looking at her

" what do you mean"

" Tom when he forced me to watch my father die , he had a conversation, he said' even though  you and your boyfriend have already destroyed part off me you don't have the power to destroy he rest'" I Said

" yeah so?" Mione asked

" he fucked up and didn't even realised it, he told me that Harry and I destroyed part of him, meaning we have already destroyed a horcrux and the only horcrux that I know me and Harry have come past is Toms diary." I Said

" so how did you destroy the diary, we can use the same thing to destroy the locket" she said standing up

" we... I don't know, I passed out and I can't remember" I said

" we can talk about it in the morning right now we are both on watch duty" mione said

" what why me" I said

" I don't want to be alone and you have already had a nap" mione said walking out

" passing or it my the same as sleeping"

" oh well to late now" mione shouted

" fuck you mione" I Said and walked outside.

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