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A/N: shorter chapter then usual sorry

I looked up at the sky again and saw figures of black smoke coming our way.

Death eaters

I went to open the door again but a spell was fired at it stopping me , causing me to step back. I grabbed my wand and started firing spells at them as I ran away from the house. One of them landed right in front of me, giving me a creepy smile I know all to well.

" baby Reggie"

" crazy lady"

I had my wand pointed at Bellatrix and she had her pointed at me. I shot a spell at her which she easily deflected. This went back and forth non of us willing to give up. A smirk piped up in my face and I looked behind Bellatrix with shock and scared eyes.

" V.. Voldemort" I Said and when Bellatrix turned around to look and the idiot that was not there to begin with , I apparated away last thing I heard was Bellatrix Calling me a little bitch.

Harry's PoV

Lunas dad told Voldemort's followers where we were , I don't blame him , they have Luna. But right now me , Ron and Hermione where hiding under this trying to to get hit with the glass that was flying everywhere form the spells.

I looked at the door where Cassie was in the other side , fear ran through me, he could be hurt, she could have been taken.

I made a run for the door when Ron stoped me grabbing ahold of me

" Ron put me down!! I have to help her!!!" I yelled as he dragged be back towards Hermione

" you will be no help to her dead mate" he said and before I could protest more we apparated somewhere

When we stood up and I glared at Tom and Hermione.

" WHY DID WE JUST LEAVE HER!! SHE COULD BE DEAD NOW!!!" I yelled and the two looked down "we have to go back WE HAVE TO BACK!" I punched a tree and sat down head in my hands tears down my face.

We left her, I left her.

Cassie I'm sorry....

All of a sudden snatchers showed up and we had to make a run for it.

When we where running all I could think about was Cassie, is she okay, is she being chances too? I was pulled out of my thoughts by a spell shot at my face.

Images of Voldemort talking to Grindelwald popped in my head.

" where is the wand"

He's looking for the elder wand.

" in his grave"

Cassie was right , Voldemort is after the wand. And Cassie is the one who has it.

I don't know if I should be happy or scared.

The snatchers came up to us and looked at all of us

One of them looked at me " what happened to you ugly?"

" what's your name?"

" Dudley, Vernon Dudley"

After a bit they the Said

" change of plan we're not taking them to the ministry"

Cassie's PoV

I was in a lake.

Out all the places I could have landed I landed in a lake...

Why did I even think about a lake?

" I'm soaked now, good Job brain, you really did well" I said to myself as I made my way out of the lake.

I laid down looking up and I just burst out laughing.

" I can't hahah believe haha Bellatrix fell for hahah that" I laughed win a smirk on my face which soon disappeared and I sat up

" Harry!!"

Shit shit shit fuck fuck fuck, I got my boyfriend.

Well it's Harry he's probably safe... hopefully..

I stood up and dried myself off

" oh who am I kidding it's fucking Harry!! When is he ever safe!" I yelled waving my arms around.

Walking up the hill I started to think off a plan, if Harry and the others where in danger what kind of dangerous would it be..

" well they are not dead that I know, Tommy boy would want to kill Harry himself and probably use Ron and mione as leverage to stop him escaping, so they are definitely still alive. Where would where the bald baby keep them. Who's to say he even has them." I sigh good job Cassie your talking to yourself.

How did they know we where there , they can't have unless.... Mr lovegood, he sold us out but why?


They have Luna!

Oh yes!! My brain is so smart!!!
Not the time Cassie your friends and boyfriend have probably been kidnapped and are likely going to die....

" okay Cassie what are we going to do? I've got to find someone's who can help me...." I stoped " why do I need someone to help me, I don't! I'm the daughter of Regulus Fucking Black and if he could go out by himself to stop Tom then I can save my friends, and like my father I need my little elf friend. It's time to pay Kreacher a visit!"

It All Ends ~ Cassiopeia Dumbledore~ Part 2  deathly hallows Where stories live. Discover now