Cassie and kreacher Part 1

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12 Grimmauld place

The place the unknown hero of the wizarding world grew up.

The place where the order of the Phoenix held their meetings.

The place that hold both good and bad memories.

And it's the place where my story will begin.

I step threw the door, looking around at the walls that I've seen so many times before, but his time they looked different, the feeling of standing in the long corridor felt different.


I don't know, maybe it's because I'm alone?

People think when I don't have Harry with me makes me vulnerable, no no no it makes me a threat.

The wizarding world will see that I'm not a defenceless little girl who can't save herself. That little helpless girl some will say she disappeared the night in the chamber of secrets but she was never there to begin with. That night in the chamber of secrets I was there willingly, Tom may think he had the upper hand, that he brought me there but I was the one to run into danger if it meant protecting my friends, like I tried to protect Ginny.

For most of my life I saw myself as the miniature version of Albus Dumbledore, I always thought it was the way he brought me up that made me who I was but it wasn't.

Who I am today is who my father was , without even realising it, I brought back Regulus Black, not in person but the symbol that he created.

The symbol that there are people out there who will go against what is wrong even if it's the very family . You go out there and you fight , fight for a better tomorrow.

Regulus Black lay down his life to save many , he knew the risks of running into danger...

I knew the risk of running into danger....

Regulus Black stood up for what is right...

I'm standing up for what is right....

Regulus Black didn't stop fighting....

I'm not giving up this fight....

Regulus Black saved the people he cared about.....

I'm going to save the people I care about....

My father died as a hero....

I'm going to be the hero even if it mean dying....

I'm going to be the death eaters worst nightmare.

It's about time to show the wizarding world who I really am.

I'm the daughter of Regulus Arcturus Black!!


Walking into the kitchen looking around to see if my little elf was around but I couldn't see him, I heard movement from up stairs, pulling my wand out I made my way up there.

Each step was causing me to be more confident with myself. Reaching the top , I slowly and quietly made my way down the hallway to where he noise was.

As the sound became more louder as I reached a certain room. My father's room.

I opened the door to see Kreacher sitting on the bed looking up , talking.

" she's becomes more like you every day Master Regulus. That makes Kreacher happy but also makes Kreacher scared. Kreacher is scared that young Mistress will be like you Master Regulus and fall victim to death. Kreacher already lost Mistress Cassie once, Kreacher thought he had failed her, failed you Master Regulus.
Kreacher has already failed to keep his promise to protect Mistress Cassie. Now Mistress Cassie is out there going out to find the very thing you died getting Master Regulus. Kreacher misses Mistress Cassie.... Kreacher misses you Master Regulus"

" Kreacher.." I Said and Kreacher looked at me and smiled, he ran up to me and looked up at me

" Mistress Cassie has returned home" he said happily and I picked him up and gave him a big hug , he hesitated at first but returned the hug

" I've missed you too Kreacher" I Said

I walked and sat on the bed and pace Kreacher next to me. He sat there and fiddle with his hands

" Kreacher sees Mistress' boyfriend is not with her , did mistress dump him?" Kreacher Said causing me to laugh

" no Kreacher I didn't dump him , I do plan on keeping him, but he is the reason I'm here" I said and Kreacher turned around and sat crossed legged and looked at me

" is everything okay Mistress Cassie?"

" if I'm being honest a Kreacher no. My boyfriend and best friends have been kidnapped"

" and Mistress wants to save them" Kreacher Said looking away

" I know it's a risk Kreacher but it's my friends they are my family, I have to"
I said

" Kreacher knows Mistress, Mistress is just like Master Regulus, Kreacher kenos there is no point trying to stop you so.." he started but got lost in thought

" so?"

" what can Kreacher do to help" Kreacher smiled at me, causing me to smile back.


Right now we where in my father's room with a Chalkboard in front of the bed. Kreacher was sitting on the bed looking at me drawing up a plan on the board.

" okay Kreacher we know that the death eater will have to keep them in a place with a dungeon one that's at least big enough for four people if they have taken them to same place a Luna" I said drawing a circle with the word dungeon written in the middle
" what place has a dungeon or a place that is big enough to keep them locked up?" I asked

"Didn't Mistress say that Bellatrix Lestrange was there?" Kreacher Said

" yes.... Malfoy manor!" I Said and Kreacher smiled at me as I wrote down Malfoy Manor on the board attached to the circle " Kreacher your a Genius"

" thank you Mistress"

" now how are we going tot get to the manor , I'm guessing they will have some sort of protection spell that doesn't let just anyone waltz in so how are we going to do it."

" we? Mistress , your letting Kreacher help you" Kreacher Said looking up at me with hopeful eyes

" of course why wouldn't I?"

" because Kreacher failed to help Master Regulus, Kreacher is not good at helping people" Kreacher Said looking down

I walked and knelt down in front of him holding his hands causing him to look up at me " Kreacher don't ever think you are not good at helping people, you are, you helped my father, you did what he asked you brought he locket back and now the locket is destroyed, and you may think you failed me but you didn't, I'm still here, without you we wouldn't have been able to find the locket , you told me the thing I needed the most , you told me my father believes in me , and that has giving me the courage to carry on. What you promised my father, you have completed it. You help me, you help him , you helped the wizarding world. So don't ever feel bad of yourself  again. Because you Kreacher , are a damm good elf" I Said and I saw Kreacher had tears in his eyes.

"Kreacher is more hat grateful to have Mistress in his life" he said then he looked around then back at me " can Kreacher write on the board?"

" of course you can Kreacher"

Kreacher went and wrote a name on the bored


It All Ends ~ Cassiopeia Dumbledore~ Part 2  deathly hallows Where stories live. Discover now