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I'm mad

Yep definitely mad

That ginger headed wanker actually left, he just walked off. We have no idea where he is, if he's even alive , nothing.

I swear to Godric if he comes back I'm telling molly on him , yeah that will scare him well that or a pissed off mione.

Speaking of Mione she still stands outside the tent waiting for Ron to comeback. Last night Harry and I could hear her crying, all I wanted to do was find Ron and drag him by the ear and make him comfort mione.

Right now I'm standing in front of the tent with a cup of tea in my hand just looking at mione , she looks so broken , so lost, she really does love Ron more then she likes to emit. I felt a arm wrap around my waist and a face resting in the crook of my neck leaving a slit kiss making me smile.

" you okay?" Harry asked mumbling into my neck sending vibrations down my neck and spine.

" yeah I'm okay , just pissed off at Ron, he left us , he left her" I said looking at mione

" you going to beat his ass if he comes back aren't you" Harry said resting his head on top of mine , pulling me closer so my back was against his chest.

" probably , if mione doesn't beat me to it" I laughed a little

" true, I have face Voldemort several times , dragons , and a giant snake and yet Hermione still scares me when she is mad" Harry emitted which causes me to laugh even more.

" I'll make sure to tell her that , she probably be proud" I said

" probably" Harry said looking over at mione

" how are you?" I asked

" what do you mean?"

" your best friend just left , how are you feeling" I asked him , he hasn't really talked about Ron since he left which is kind off worrying me.

" he'll be back" Harry Said

" how are you so sure?" I asked him

" he's an idiot, he can't survive long without Hermiones help" Harry Said


Later on that night we had moved to a new spot to camp and Harry was sitting on a chair and I was sitting on Harry both of us trying to read a book I had brought with us. Harry has his arm around my waist looking over my shoulder at the pages. I looked us and saw mione listening to music with a sad expression. I handed Harry the book and got off his lap making my way over to Mione and I turned to see Harry with a pout on his face but he carried on reading. When is it to mione she look up at me with tears in her eyes . I stretched my hand out for her to grab.

" dance with me" I Said

" Cassie.."

" we are dancing , we are having fun , I'm going to make you laugh" I Said taking of the locket around her neck and she smile a bit and took he hand that we still stretched out. 

We started to dance and I could see Harry laughing and smiling at us, so I winked at him and he stuck his tongue out in return

At the end off the song , mione walked off looking sad again. I looked down and sighed.

I felt Harry walked up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder.

" she'll be okay" he said

" I hope so"

All of a sudden Harry spun me around and put one hand on my waist and the other onto my hand and brought them up

" what are you doing?"

" dancing with you" Harry replied spinning me around.

We kept dancing for a bit till it was just us standing in the center rocking side I side.

" you know I still remember the day I met you" Harry Said

" you do?"

Harry nodded his head " you were standing next to Minnie and everyone else were looking around amazed by the castle while you where just there with a big cheeky smile on our face a smile that looked as if you proud of something. You stood there looking at Minne and copied the standing positions she was in, then you locked eyes with me , and you know how people say there is such thing as love at first sight, well I didn't have that with you, I had something better, when I saw you , I knew you where going to be my best friend, the person who could make me laugh when I'm down , the person who would be there for me when I need them the most. And you know what I'm glad it wasn't love at first sight because I got to see and feel myself getting happier each morning to see you, I got to see how you gave me more and more butterflies each time you smiled, I got to feel how as the days went on I found myself wanting I stand my you , be near you more and more. I got to live and feel myself falling in love with you. And believe me it's something I still feel to this day"

I looked up at him with happy ears in my eyes and I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him into a kiss. His hands ran themselves down my back to my sides , we kept on kissing almost forgetting that we need to breathe. Harry started to kiss from my lips , to jaw and down my neck causing my to bite my lip. My hands move to his hair pulling at the stands.
His lips found mine again and his hands moved down to my ass telling my to jump. I don't wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me to the room in the tent and placed me down on the bed hovering over me and reattaching his lips onto my neck. My hands found the bottom of his top tugging on the hem telling him I wanted it off. He pulled away from my neck and pulled his top off leaving him shirtless and his abs out on display and I bit my lip at the sight. Harry smirked at my look and his lips to my ear and nibbling on it a bit then trailed kissed along my jaw making me more excited for what was to come.                                           


The next morning I woke up with my head resting on Harry's bare chest as he was playing to the golden snitch that dad left for him.

" sorry didn't mean to wake you" Harry Said kissing my cheek.

" it's okay" I Said and looked at the snitch.

Harry grabbed it but it fell out of his hand and onto his face more pacifically his lips. When he took it off there was writing showing it's self on the snitch

I open at the close

Holy shit

It All Ends ~ Cassiopeia Dumbledore~ Part 2  deathly hallows Where stories live. Discover now