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Harry's PoV

I looked up to see Cassie fall to the ground causing me to run towards her.

" Cassie?!" I shook her and her eyes closed but they where moving a lot under her eyelids

" HERMIONE, RON!" I yelled and they ran towards us.

" what happened" Ron asked

" I don't know, she just fell." I Said looking back at Cassie " Cassie baby? Can you hear me?" I asked and she didn't reply

" let's take her back to the tent"Hermione said and I picked up Cassie in my arms and made my way back.

Cassie PoV

I slowly opened my eye and I saw that I wasn't in the woods but a cave.

A cave I know of all to well

" hello?!" I yelled " is anyone here?!"

When I got no reply I stood up and began to look around.

How did I get here? I was just in the woods.

Did Harry do something stupid again?

" this way" I heard a voice say.

I followed the voice as it sounded familiar but I don't know where from.

I made it further into the cave and saw something move, I went to get my wand but it wasn't there.

What the hell?

I looked by to see who was there and I saw someone I didn't expect to see


" this way Master" he said talking to someone behind him and I definitely did not expect to see them

My father

He looked so young.

" Father!" I yelled happily as they walked towards me but he didn't reply but just walked though me like I wasn't even there.

They just kept walking towards the bowl that the locket was in before

I just stood there and watched them.

" Kreacher do you know how to get to the locket" my father asked

" yes Master Regulus, the dark lord made Kreacher drink the water, shall Kreacher drink the water again?" Kreacher asked him

" no Kreacher I'll drink it" father said

" but Kreacher went through pain when he drank it, Kreacher dose not want mater Regulus to go though the same thing" Kreacher Said causing me to smile at him , he really did care for my father

" Kreacher I must be the one to drink the water and I need you to promise me something" father said

" yes Master Regulus"

" if I don't make it , I want you to take the locket and leave , leave me behind if you have to, and I want you to destroy the horcrux" father said

No, don't leave him.....

" of corse Master Regulus" Kreacher Said but I can see it in his eyes that he doesn't want to

" and another thing Kreacher"

" yes?"

" if I die, I need you to look after my unborn child, I need to know that if I go there is someone out there looking after her, watching her, protecting her. She is the last bit of hope that I have, please keep her save and let her know how much her father loves her." Father said

He knew he was going to die..... didn't he.

" I promise Master Regulus"

Father began to drink the water and I get tears strewn down my face, I'm watching another one I love being put threw torture.

Once they got the locket my father told Kreacher to go and leave him.

When Kreacher left my father made his way towards the lake


Stay away father

Stay away from the water

I tried to move to get to him but my feet where stuck in place forced to watch.

My father reached down to eat a drink but a hand grabbed him and pulled him under the water.


He tried to swim up but they just pulled him down.

I watched him go.

I watched him drown.

I watched him die.

" you could have saved him" I voice said behind me and I turned to see young Tom Riddle, like in the chamber standing there looking at me and I realised it was him who brought me here, to show me this

" why did you bring me here?" I asked looking back at the water.

" I wanted I show you what you caused" he said and I can feel him standing behind me, and he placed a hand on my shoulder, I tried to move but I was still stuck still

" I didn't cause this you did" I said back

" if you wasn't born, your father wouldn't have died so you could live on" he said standing in front of me living my chin up forcing me to look at him. " a lot of things could have been stoped if you wasn't born" he said moving his wand into my neck , trailing along the scars that are there, he looked down at them then looked back into my eyes.

" but it can also stop a lot of things from happing" he said with a smirk

" how?" I asked

" join me, Cassie. Join me my little key" he said

"I will never join you Tom" I Said and Tom began to laugh

" you think you can win don't you , in that little head of yours you think you can beat me , no one can stop me" he laughed

" you got stoped by a one year old baby , I think my chances are high" I said with a smirk and Tom stoped laughing and wrapped his hand around my throat and began to squeeze cutting off my air way.

My hands grabbed onto his trying to get him to stop.

" don't test me little one!! Even though you and your boyfriend have already destroyed part of me, you don't have the power to destroy the rest." He said and realised his hand and walked forward

"You are lucky , Cassie that I want you on my side and in the future I'll give you another chance but for now I'll leave you with the thought of knowing I'm always watching you." He said and everything went black.

It All Ends ~ Cassiopeia Dumbledore~ Part 2  deathly hallows Where stories live. Discover now