The stroy of the Three brothers

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" CASSIE , HERMIONE!" I heard Harry yell and I got up out of bed. I guess Harry brought me back in after I fell asleep.

" Mione" I shook her and she woke up.

We walked out of the tent and looked up at Harry

" is everything okay?" I asked

" it's fine , actually you know it's more then fine" Harry Said and pointed at something well someone.


That fucking twat

He looked at us as smiled " hey"

Mione walked up to him and took his bag and started hitting him with it

" you complete ass Ronald Weasley, you show up here after weeks and you say ' hey' where my wand Harry where's my wand"

" I don't know" Harry said backing away

" Harry Potter give me my wand" she yelled

" I don't have it"

" how come he has your wand?" Ron asked

" never mind why he's got my wand , what is that?" Mione asked " you destroyed it"

I looked to see he locket Brocken

" and how is it you happen to have the sword of Gryffindor" mione asked

" it's a long story"

Ron tells us the story of how he got back then Mione and Harry walked back into the tent and left me alone with Ron.

I turned around and smirked at him


" oh shit"

Ron ran and I chased him we ran around the tent causing Harry and mione to walk out.

Ron looked at me and I looked at him and he ran up to little hill but I grabbed his leg pulling him down and I sat on his back taking his shoe off and tickled his foot as I know he is really ticklish

Ron was on the floor laughing and screaming


I stoped still sitting on him , I turned him over and started hitting him in the face with his dirty sock.

" Harry he your girlfriend off me!!" Ron yell " Cassie stop hitting me with the sock"

"Your sister your problem" Harry Said

" say you will never leave again!" I yelled

" I'll never leave again I promise not get your fat ass off me!"

" did you just call me fat!" I hit him the sock more



I stoped and got off him taking his sock and shoe with me into the tent

" give me my stuff back!" Ron yelled hopping after me and I laugh running faster in to the tent


" we need to talk" mione said as me and her entered the tent.

" we need to see lunas dad"
I said

" why?" Harry asked and mione showed him and Ron the book

" it's a letter dumbledore wrote to Grindelwald. Look at the signature , it's the mark again" mione said

It All Ends ~ Cassiopeia Dumbledore~ Part 2  deathly hallows Where stories live. Discover now