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Destiny had an awesome night, and her face the next morning showed it clearly, the wide smile, her head bopping and song humming, her hands tapping on the kitchen island, her eyes kept on looking on the computer screen, she was looking at video of meditation and how to speak to ghosts, last night performance became a motivation to help the band find out how to speak to Bobby.

But, there was a part inside her subconscious that kept on telling her to stop, if she kept searching, and she finds the answers, the boys might leave this world and go to heaven, and it might be selfish but Destiny didn't want to this to happen. Then the purple flash and pain from Reggie came back, she didn't want them to suffer, she knew that they had to find answers.

"Destiny?" A voice sent shivers down the brunette's spine, she looked up trying to locate the source of whoever was calling out for her. "Is that really you?"

"Mom?" Destiny stood up from her chair, her eyes couldn't believe that she was standing there. The long dark brown hair, the fair skin, and tinted pink lips, the sweet kind smile she had, it didn't vanish. There she stood. Wendy Brennan.

"Come give your mother a hug." Wendy's voice broke with every word she said, she opened her arms wide for her daughter, and as she expected, Destiny ran to her arms crying on her chest, the older woman closed her arms hugging her back feeling her tears leaving her eyes as well.

"I have missed you so much, mom." Destiny said, her heavy breathing and sniffled followed along, her mother agreed with her saying she did too. "We have so much to talk about too." Destiny pushed herself away from the hug, her mother nodded her head and smiled down at her.

Destiny wiped the tears from her face and eyes, she walked over to the table where all of her mother's belongings stood, Destiny felt happy to have her mother, of course, she would love to talk to her about everything she missed but right now Des saw her mother as an opportunity to find answers.

"Is this for homework?" Wendy Brennan chuckled, her fingers tracing over the page. of her notebooks, her smile widened at the sight of her past.

"Actually, I have something to tell you," Destiny could feel the excitement on her body "I can see ghosts like you." Her mother shot her sight up to her, shock filled her face "Well not all ghosts but I've met incredible boys this past few weeks and I'm helping them."

"Ghosts? You can see them too?" Destiny nodded her head as she walked over to the other side of the table next to the older woman.

"Do you remember Lauren Peters? She used to come every day to talk to her son Reginald?" Wendy agreed at the memory of the woman "Well, I managed to meet him, and his band, Sunset Curve, I don't know how exactly, but I've befriended them." Destiny kept on speaking a smile on her face just by thinking of the boys.

"That's surprisingly amazing, I remember you always asked me for things about spirits but you were skeptical about them, did you grow into believing in that?" The older woman asked taking a notebook of her into her hands and re-reading those past words.

"I didn't actually, I kinda started believing when they came into the living room trying to find help, but they didn't imagine they will see someone who could see them too." Destiny chuckled at the memory of their first meeting.

"I am so happy that this has happened, I imagined this day would come years ago but when you were younger and didn't show any signs of magic, I just stopped believing." Destiny looked at her mother confused, and when Wendy noticed what she said.

"What do you mean magic? What does that mean?" Destiny lowered her laptop screen, her full attention back on her mother.

"Well I was hoping to have this talk earlier or something." Wendy scratched the back of her right ear and hummed while she took a seat beside her. "Our family Destiny, has come from a legacy of witches, all the way from the 1800's, your nonna was one and the mother before them."

"A witch? Mom that's insane." Destiny tried to find a logical explanation but the serious look that Wendy was giving her showed that it was real.

"I know it sounds insane, but the real thing is that witches powers jump a generation, I thought that with you it would jump and maybe your kids would have it, but it didn't jump generations after your nonna." Wendy Brennan was calm while she spoke, she kept eye contact and tried to reach out for her daughters hands, she knew that this information had just hit her like a slap.

"Destiny, I think," A whooshing sound was heard on the living room making both of the Brennan turn to look. "Oh, I'm sorry didn't know you had visitors."

"This must be one of the boys, right?" Wendy stood up and walked over to the black-haired boy with leather jacket.

"Wait she can see us too?" Reggie asked his eyes widened focusing on Destiny who kept her spot on the chair.

"Yeah that's my mom, I told you guys about her being the original medium." Destiny turned to take a glance at Reggie who smiled happily and said cool as he wave at her mother. "Mom that's Reginald, Lauren's son."

"Oh Reginald, I've heard so much about you from your mother, how is your band going?" Wendy asked her hands gripped together in front of her body, her head tilted to the side as she looked at Reggie.

"It's going good but I think we found out why we are here and we have answers fo why he have the purple flashes." Destiny's attention was focused, the brunette stood up walking over to him. "We all died the night we were suppose to play at the orpheum, we need to do that, play at the orpheum, and the rest purple flashes is because of this," Reggie pulled his leather jacket back to show a purple tattoo "We went to this club and there was this magician that can be seen by lifers, alive people," He stopped and looked at Wendy Brennan who was confused by the slang word "and he had told us it was an entrance to the club but it gave us pain then this other ghost who is Willie, who Alex has a crush on,"

"Reggie, too many details, breath and say only the necessary." Destiny hold her hand up trying to process the information.

"Okay sorry," Reggie shyly smiled and cleared his throat "This stain or whatever, is killing us, it's breaking our soul, we have two options, play at the orpheum and finish our unfinished business or play at Caleb's, the magicians, club for life."

"That sounds complicated, you guys can stay here forever but it's not safe, you guys might not even be able to leave the club, this Caleb you say, sounds like he won't let you guys leave his club easily too." Wendy Brennan stepped on the conversation trying to help them.

"No, he's not that nice, he owns Willie's soul and he might be in trouble just by telling us what Caleb had done." Reggie looked at both women with hopeful eyes.

"Well I think we gotta get you guys into the Orpheum and play, right?" Destiny looked at Reggie, her eyebrows lifted, all she could think of right now was giving them the opportunity to go home again, to be at peace.

"I'm gonna look for a way to get rid of that stamp, maybe there's a way?" Wendy looked at Reggie's wrist "It's magic, maybe it's out of my zone but, not yours Destiny, we can never say never." The older woman patted his back and headed to the dining room.

"Magic, how does she know about that?" Reggie asked taking steps forward Destiny.

"I come from a legacy of witches," Destiny chuckled "I know it sounds crazy, but apparently it's a real deal."

"I think that's rad, a witch is helping me, well helping us, you don't mind if I stay around don't you?" Destiny shook her head "Well I promise I won't be in your way, literally, you can walk over me." Reggie and Destiny chuckled looking into each other's eyes, a smile forming on their lips.

"We better get going, we won't be able to find answers if we stay here." Destiny and Reggie followed the same direction Wendy Brennan took, the dining table was filled with books and some herbs, everything was too new for Destiny, but she was up for the challenge.

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