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"I hope mom's still here, if not, get ready for," Kendall opened the door to their home, the first thing both Brennan siblings saw was their father standing in the hallway with arms crossed and furrowed eyebrows.

"Why are you late?" His voice was loud and raspy, Destiny hadn't heard this tone from him since she was nine years old and he had punched a kid on his throat after he had stolen her lollipop.

"Good luck." Kendall whispered at the young girl, patting her shoulder a few times before walking away from the battlefield. Destiny took a step forward and was ready to answer but the uprisen palm of her father was clear that she didn't have to speak even though she was asked a question.

"Your mother wanted to see you, it's been years Destiny, and I know you wanted to see her so badly, what changed?" Destiny shrugged, she looked at the wall beside her, she glanced over to look at her dad, his expression was the same since she walked in. "Kendall told me you were at Julie's house and then you went to another house? Who's house and why?"

"Carrie's house dad, we went since tonight we, there's," Destiny sighed "there's a dance in school, and I just made friends and I got invited to go there, Dad." Destiny looked back at her father, his eyes softened, his hands fell down to his hips just like his head bowed down. "I am sorry dad." She whispered, her eyes falling down to look down at the floor. There was a silence that Destiny had imagined it would've happened, but the touch of arms wrapping around her body wasn't something she was expecting.

"I am sorry, I am happy for your new friendships Destiny, I really am," Destiny's dad said, his chin resting down on her head "But, this was supposed to be a big moment between you and your mom, I really hope she comes back tomorrow, or maybe you should call her," Destiny was pulled back and both brown eyes looked at each other, "I think she would love to hear all about your new friend, you could've called me Destiny." The girl sighed and nodded her head, her father gave her a pat on her shoulder and pushed her towards the stairs.

"Dad?" She called out before she could even place a foot on the wooden floor "Could I go tonight to the school party? People are expecting me to take pictures for the Instagram account." Her father nodded his head and promised he would be the one to take her and pick her up.

The night came through, Destiny had changed into a leather jacket and a white strapless dress, the camera swung around her neck, she smiled at her reflection in the mirror and turned her heel to leave the bathroom and make her way to the school gym. Destiny managed to convince her father on letting her come so easily, forget the evening, forget her mother's appearance, forget everything that had just happened a few hours ago. She felt bad about using Julie as her ticket way out, but she didn't lie, Julie, was a new friend, and, Julie needed her, well, it was more that, Flynn needed her for the photography but a fun night was going to happen and Destiny didn't want to miss it.

The gym was filled by students dancing to the music Flynn was playing, Destiny waved at some students who recognized her and greeted her, some of them she didn't even know but she didn't have to be rude. Destiny made her way to the stage and waved to Flynn as she walked up the stairs.

"Thank god you've made it, have you seen the boys?" Flynn asked placing her headphones on the table, the girl pulled the other back.

"No I haven't, why? What happened?" Destiny's eyes furrowed with confusion.

"They aren't here and it's almost time for us to get up there and play." Julie's voice was heard behind them, Destiny turned and saw her in hip hop type of clothing.

"No I haven't seen them, also, you look amazing Julie." Destiny smiled at her, Julie touched her hair and thanked her. "So what's the plan now? I got a sort of curfew?" She didn't mean to say the last thing but she felt like it was important. Both girls nodded their heads and understood, they understood and told her not to worry.

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