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Destiny massaged the back of her neck, she had spent the past three hours reading various books that her mother brought from the attic, books that Destiny never found interesting until now, the words that were written gave her a new point of view of her new life, everything was too overwhelming but amazing too.

"Make way for tea." Wendy Brennan happily said as she placed the teacups on the table, only two since Reggie couldn't take a drink from it.

"Mrs. Brennan, may I ask something?" Reggie spoke for the first time in the past hour. "Do you think these stamps can get rid of our wrists?" Reggie walked over and showed the older woman the purple stamp. Wendy Brennan looked at it cautiously and hummed, her eyes turning to search for a similar stamp on her books.

"Well, I can continue to look for that stamp or a similar one on one of my books, but may I ask something," Reggie nodded his head at her "How did this happen?" Wendy Brennan tilted her head looking at Reggie's face.

"Well it all happened when Alex, my friend, and our drummer met this other ghost named Willie, who he likes by the way, and we wanted to look out for answers because our other bandmate Bobby, who now goes for the name Trevor Wilson, stole all of Luke's songs, Luke is our lead singer." Destiny chuckled at how Reggie was explaining the whole story, she looked at her mother who was trying to keep up with his story and the velocity of speaking.

"And we met this cool guy who died doing a magic trick and gave us the stamps as getting into his club but Willie told us this is the reason we are all feeling like we are dying all over again." Reggie finished explaining and massaged his wrist, seconds later the purple flash appeared on his chest pushing him down and letting a painful groan.

Destiny and Wendy hurried and kneeled beside him, the older Brennan tried to grab his shoulder her hand passing through him, apologizing she took a deep breath in and out, walking away towards the table.

"Are you okay Reggie?" Destiny asked tapping her knees with her fingertips.

"Yeah, it only lasts for a second or so and it's so real," Reggie looked up at her brown eyes "it's scary, I am scared." Destiny didn't know if her eyes were playing games or what, but she was sure she could see tears forming on his eyes.

"I'll keep looking for something here Reggie, don't you worry about that, I'll find the answers for everything that's happening, I promise." Destiny saw his weak smile on his face, she stood up with him and went back to work, glancing from time to time for him, checking if he was alright and making sure no more purple flash made an appearance.

Their time continued to pass by as the two women continued to search for anything that could be helpful and figure out what that stamp meant, or how to even remove it from a spirit, Reggie apologized saying he needed to leave and go back to the garage with the boys, something about a plan to finish their unfinished business, Destiny and Wendy said their farewells to the bassist and continued their work.

The sound of the entrance door caught their attention, both women looked at the wooden door to see the man of the house walk in, when their eyes met it was as if he had seen the biggest plushie animal in the world, the smile Destiny's father had on his face was something she hadn't seen before.

"I can believe my eyes, my two favorite women are back together," He said walking towards them but stopped when his gaze fell to the towers of books at the table. "What is going on here? Are those? Wendy."

"Don't be mad at her Darren, she's like me." It was the first time that Destiny has heard her father's name out loud in any place. For him, the news that his daughter was just like his wife was too much, he had pushed her hands away from his shoulders.

"She's not like you Wendy, she can't be like you, she's not crazy." He didn't hesitate to say those words, his facial expression changed from a smile to a clenched jaw and furrowed eyebrows.

"You don't mean that Darren." Wendy stepped back, her voice breaking, but Destiny's father meant it, he truly meant it. "I'm here to help my daughter." Wendy straightened her posture and cleaned the tears from her cheeks.

"Destiny, go to your room please." The girl listened and stood up, she was ready to leave but her mother telling her to stay got her questioning her movements. "Go to your room Des, I don't care what your mother says." Destiny nodded her head quickly and hurried to  close the door of her room but didn't get in, instead she hid in her siblings room, Kendall wasn't home so he wouldn't mind.

"Wendy, Destiny is a child, she's just beginning to start her life, moving on from your past." Darren began explaining to his wife. "We just got her to stop spiritual sessions, she started doing those just two years after you left, she's a kid, she has to to do what kids or teens do."

"She's not just a teenager Darren, she's part of my family's legacy, she's a" Interrupted by the man's words Wendy sighed. "Why aren't you excited about that? Don't you remember how excited you were when I told you I was one too?" Wendy's voice was filled with hope, she wanted her husband to feel excited but, the ongoing of no showed otherwise.

"She's not like you Wendy, all of those things you made me believe drove you away from our family, I thought that having you here again would be good but you are now shoving Destiny back into that hole, she doesn't belong there anymore." Darren Brennan's let out a deep sigh, the sound of a chair being pulled followed behind it, Destiny knew he had sat down and probably was massaging his forehead.

"She's special Darren, we can prove it to you if you let us, you know that." Wendy wanted her husband to believe her, and from what Destiny picked up, he knew something important from her mother's lineage.

Destiny's phone vibrated on her jean pocket, she pulled it out to see the name ID of Julie, she opened the message app hoping it wasn't something horrible, and boy it wasn't bad news.

Des, we are gonna play at the Orpheum. Wanna tag along? We are playing in three hours

Destiny's lips curved upward, of course she wanted to be part of this, not only was it big for the band, but this was something huge for the guys. It did sadden her heart that if they finish their business here, they would leave, and only the memories would stay.  But Destiny didn't have time to be sad about it, she had to find answers to remove the stamps and pick out the outfit for the Orpheum. You know, just normal teenager stuff.

Quietly she snuck out of her room, heading towards her brother's one, the only room with a window big enough for her to get out. Destiny knew she would be getting into trouble when her parents found out, but it was gonna be much better being outside than hearing their screaming match.

She lived far away yes, but she could call a cab, she had a twenty dollar buck on her pocket and her phone was with her so, in case of anything she could call her brother. The streets of Los Angeles were crowded at this time and at night it would be harder, but it still meant she had to be careful on her way to Julie's home. She could really use someone, closing her eyes, Destiny stopped moving, concentrating on Reggie's name and face.

"Reggie? If you can hear me please find me." She whispered, an odd feeling tingling on her fingertips as she continued to focus, a few images blanked into her mind, the guys in an attire she didn't recognize, Julie crying outside a place holding a flower and then everything black.

Opening her eyes she held her breath for a moment, she didn't recognize any moments like this from her past, the future maybe? But what moment into the future was this? She could call Julie and warn them, but maybe that was the sign if she did that, she didn't know what it meant, all she knew is, she had to get to Julie's house, right now.

authors note!
this chapter was already published but then I noticed that it didn't make sense at all the last moments of the writing, so I had to change it up

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