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"That band is really awesome Destiny," Kendall wrapped his arm around her shoulders "Too bad I couldn't get the chance to meet them." Kendall sighed, the brunette chuckled in response.

"Yeah meeting them," Destiny sighed "Well that would be difficult." Both Brennan siblings walked inside their home, there was only silence. "That's weird, Dad had a night out?" Destiny asked, setting Reggie's leather jacket on the entry rack. She had already made a mental note to give it back.

"Dad, you home?" Kendall screamed out, he walked around searching for the man, Destiny walked behind his older brother trying to look for him as well. But there was no response, Kendall Brennan shrugged and turned around. "Well he probably stayed out for the night, good for him, anyway, I'm heading to bed, see you tomorrow morning Des." Kendall patted his sister's shoulder and locked himself in his room.

Destiny walked towards her bedroom and laid on the bed, letting out a deep sigh. The night that she had experienced was fantastic, she never imagined having time with friends like this, and wow, what kind of friends she had made. Ghost band and a talented singer, a girl with such a huge passion for music and style, and Destiny, their photographer, and the girl who can also see ghosts. What an odd friend group.

"Reggie? Can you hear me?" She whispered out the bassist's name, she gave it a try as she remembered that night she had called out to him. "Reggie, are you out there?" Destiny closed her eyes, all scenery black, she tried her best to visualize the band but specifically Reggie. She smiled at the image of Reggie's face looking at her, his blue eyes shining with joy and a smile so contagious. Destiny slowly opened her eyes and the face she had pictured on her mind was now standing in front of her, kneeling actually.

"You called?" his voice was sweet just like the smile on his face, Destiny rolled over to be looking at him without the feeling of her blood traveling to her head.

"You guys were amazing tonight." She exclaimed happily, clapping her hands together. "The song was like so much better than rehearsals, and I mean that in a good way, but," The girl stood up from her bed "that's not the reason I called you Reggie, you forgot your jacket here."

"Oh so here's where I had left it, I kinda forgot about it, I thought it was back at Julie's place." Reggie stood up too from his kneeling position. "Oh you won't guess what happened tonight, I helped Carlos with his ghost hunting adventures. Now people must believe him, I am his hero."

Destiny looked at him confused, her mouth slightly opened, furrowed eyebrows and tilted head, she wanted to ask what he had done but, knowing Reggie for the few past days, she already knew things were better unknowing. She lifted her index finger as in a wait message, she went back to the entrance and grabbed the leather jacket, returning to her bedroom to find Reggie looking at his reflection, but there was no reflection, well at least from Destiny's point of view.

"Here you go, Reginald." She said and placed the clothing on her bed. "Can you see yourself in the mirror?" Destiny asked, she was curious about it, but Reggie's shaking head made her heart hurt.

"But that's okay, I know I look dashing as always, don't I?" Reggie smiled at the brunette, putting his jacket over him.

"Oh yeah, totally dashing." Destiny chuckled and sat back down on her bed. "So what's next for the band?"

"Well, the band must have another gig, then another one, until we start a tour and become the biggest band to exist. " Reggie exclaimed but it only lasted a second before a big purple flash appeared on his chest pulling him down and groan in pain.

"Holy, Reggie." Destiny stood up and hurried to the other side kneeling beside him. "What was that? Are you okay?" Her hand tried to hold Reggie's shoulder but it just overpassed him, she pulled away and felt useless, again. She couldn't be there for Reggie, and right now, she could see his pain.

"We didn't know how to tell you this, we haven't told Julie about it either, we don't know what's happening to us, but this sparkle makes us feel like we are dying again." Reggie hold his body against the bed, he let out another groan, laying his head back. "We don't know what's the problem but whatever it is, it's scary."

"I think this is maybe the afterlife pulling you in? Maybe you guys need to go home, but you guys have unfinished business." Destiny sighed taking a place next to him. "I need to help you guys quickly, whatever that is, it's making you guys feel pain as a human. I really need to find a way to help you guys."

"Destiny?" The brunette looked at Reggie "Do you think you can keep this a secret from Julie, we don't want to scare her." His blue eyes looked at her.

"Yeah, I won't say anything, besides, I don't think that's my place to do it, I think that's more of Luke's place, aren't they like closer?" Destiny had seen the way Luke and Julie interacted during rehearsals, outside rehearsals, and well, singing live, their chemistry was off the charts. Reggie didn't answer back to her but seeing his smile and nodding head, she knew he had seen it too.

"Well, I better get going before the guys start worrying about me." Reggie stood up, looking down at Destiny, he smiled at her and waved goodbye before vanishing. Destiny smiled as her eyes fell on the reflection staring back at her. The smile on her lips quickly changed into a frown. Reggie couldn't see his reflection and now he was going through pain that she didn't know how to be helpful. Destiny had to come up with something to help them, and it had to be fast.

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