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Julie was still mad at the boys, and who wouldn't blame her if they knew the backstory. It was after school time and for Destiny, it meant relaxing and finishing cleaning up the living room, the thought of mother continued to pop up, she wished her mother would barge in the house with bags of groceries or even new things she had bought for her sessions, but Destiny knew that was just a crazy little dream of hers. She would've love her to barge in just to question her about the existence of the witchcraft book she had hidden under her bed and clothes.

"Hey, Des?" Kendall walked in with a notebook in his hands, the girl turned to look at him, her eyebrows lifted. "What do you think about this?" The notebook was handed over to her, she saw lyrics written all over, Kendall was writing music again.

I heard love is dangerous
Once you fall you never get enough
But the thought of you leaving
Ain't so easy for me

"Wow Kendall, this so far is great," Destiny returned the notebook to him "Why the sad lyrics tho?"

"They aren't sad lyrics Kendall, it's a love song," Kendall smiled and bowed his head "it is kind of sad but also, it's amazing, I was thinking maybe the boys and I could sing it on a gig or at a bar something familiar, just you know to test it out."

"Well I'm happy to know you're writing songs again and that you want to make it big out there, I'm supporting this idea of yours." Destiny opened her arms and hugged her older brother, Kendall wrapped his arms around her and chuckled.

"Well, I'm happy both of us are getting into music," Kendall pulled back her sister and looked down at her "How's that band of yours going? I've seen the pictures you've taken and also kinda heard the rumors going around." Destiny was surprised that the word of the band was already starting, but she was also scared about the idea of someone finding out the truth of Sunset Curve. Also, the things that had happened yesterday maybe the band was no more.

"It's going well, I think, they got into a fight so, I don't really know what will happen after today, but I do hope they can solve their issues, I think they will be making it into the big leagues." Destiny nodded her head. The idea of Julie and the Phantoms making it big seemed too far away but not impossible and if Destiny gets to be part of it, that would be awesome.

"Well then, if they solve their problems, you better tell me when's the next gig, I would like to see and meet your new friends." Kendall walked away, mumbling the lyrics to his song.

There was a box she had left undone from a few days back, it had letters from past clients, letters they have made for their loved ones just in case they appeared in front of Destiny's mother. With curiosity, Destiny pulled them out and sat down on the couch, her eyes reading each word in the paper, she considered stopping, it was an invasion of privacy, but, some of them were too sweet or sad for her to stop, she hadn't noticed in what moment it had happened but her eyes were stinging from the tears that were forming.

"Hey Des," a voice was heard behind her, "are you okay?" Destiny wiped away her cheeks and sniffled. She turned around and saw Reggie standing there, his head tilted to the side and furrowed eyebrows.

"Yeah, just read some things, I should stop, they are personal things," Destiny mumbled rapidly that Reggie's expression was changed to widened eyes "Sorry. Um, what's going?" The girl turned her body so her attention was fully on the ghost, her voice lowered the volume so her brother wouldn't listen to her talking "alone".

"Okay, so we solved the whole band situation and we are playing a gig tonight, so important that even talent agents are going, and from what I heard, we will be needing our photographer." Reggie explained with a smile on his lips, Destiny imitated his expression and stood up.

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