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Destiny's mind could only think of one thing since the assembly, those guys in Julie's band. It annoyed her that it took her attention for most of the day, she wanted to know what was so intriguing about them, the honking of Kendall's car distracted from her thoughts, she hurried over to the vehicle but the sight of her dad caught her by surprise.

"Dad? Where's Kendall?" She asked hoping in the backseat.

"I took the car for repairs, Kendall lend it to me for the week, he will be taking the bus to school or something I will be driving him." He explained, his eyes looking in the rearview "How was school? Anything interesting?"

"Remember Julie Molina?" Destiny leaned forward to be between the two car seats, her father nodded his head in response "Well after what happened to her, she finally performed today at the spirit assembly, and with a band." Her eyebrows wiggled as her father's eyes widened "And she was amazing, dad, she has an amazing voice honestly, and I took pictures for the accounts, but that's not all, her band, they are holograms, but they liked way too real and very familiar too." Destiny stated out and returned to her seating position leaning back. Her father kept his smile on his face on their way home. Destiny sighed when her eyes looked at the living room, the table with the cloth was there in the center of the room, her father patted her shoulder a few times and smiled at the young one.

"I think you should start after our meal, if you do need any help, I'll be in the office so you can just knock and tell me, I'll happily help you out." Destiny's father nudged her and smiled happily, as much as she wanted the help, she preferred to this alone.

"Thanks dad, but I prefer to take my time cleaning this room up, I want to start right away, I am not that hungry either." She apologized, her dad nodded his head and his happy expression fell, he didn't say anything else and left the room, the noise was heard around the kitchen and now Destiny was standing in the reading room, alone. "Where to start huh." Destiny spoke up and looked around, opening the curtains letting light come through, making the once sad room, look lively, welcoming.

Destiny sighed deeply, she didn't want to get rid of this stuff, as much as she never believed in the ghosts sessions or stories, she had them here for her mom. She didn't pass away, she just moved, Destiny knew she was coming back, either for her family or even for her stuff, all these ghost stuff were a part of Wendy Brennan, it was what made Wendy, Wendy. Maybe she could reserve them in the attic, until her return, but giving them away? Never.

From the kitchen Destiny picked many bags and bags of trash to place the stuff she knew they weren't going to break, pillows, crosses, table cloth, all "insignificant" stuff were inside. The attic had unused boxes where she could put all the crystal stuff, the picture frames, the crystal ball she never understood why her mother even bought it, no medium used it, but Wendy always said it was to give a more psychic, future teller vibe, but still, it had no use in the home. The attic was covered in dust, spiderwebs, and boxes, few little home stuff were in the corners of the room, Destiny checked some boxes that were light enough and make sure they had nothing inside, she carried one by one, sometimes two but always careful to not fall down the stairs. She places the boxes around the floor, all scattered near the things she knew she was going to place in the attic, now she needed something to clean all these up, heading back to the kitchen, her eyes searching for a cloth, peeking through drawers and drawers until finding one.

"Aha!" Destiny happily exclaimed with the cloth on her hand, she hopped her way back to the living room, her hopping stopped abruptly at the sight of two boys, letting a scream that made the boys jump turning to look at her "Who are you? How did you get in?" She shouted out, grabbing the broom as a weapon.

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