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Los Angeles, California

Destiny sat on the stairs, she patiently waited for the woman to walk in, her big brown eyes looked over to the clock that stayed against the wall, the seconds slowly started to reach the twelve number, indicating that it was going to be four o'clock already. Lauren was going to walk in and ask for help, the elderly woman has come every day since 1995, she asked for help and wanting to talk to her son, a young boy who had died when his dreams were going to come true. Lauren was now sixty-four and she never gave up the possibility of being able to speak to her son, but Wendy Brennan always said the same thing she had said over the past seventeen years.

"I'm sorry Lauren, but I can't reach your son." Wendy would've apologized about it, she would hold tightly her hands as the elderly would cry.

Destiny's heart broke whenever her mother said she couldn't find him, it pained the little girl that her mother never had the heart to tell the woman the truth, ghosts don't exist. The brunette always told her mother to be honest to be true to her clients and not rise the high hopes of people. However, her mother always shook her head and chuckled.

"Oh Destiny, ghosts exist. Spirits who have unfinished business stay on earth, they die for terrible reasons and God knows it wasn't their time, so, he helps them, they get to stay on earth until they finish and reach their goal. Then they can go peacefully to heaven." Her mother always explained this to her, it had always been her answer to the little one.

"But how does it involve you?" Destiny would ask with her arms crossed against her chest.

"Sometimes their unfinished business is with their family, and I can help them talk to the living. Maybe a spirit had left their inheritance somewhere and they want their parents or children only to have it. Maybe they must ask for forgiveness to move on, spirits have their reasons." Wendy continued trying to make it reasonable for the twelve-year-old, but it wasn't.

Destiny wasn't much of a religious person, she did believe in God, Heaven and Hell, angels not really, the afterlife, weirdly enough, she sort of believed in it. She believed in reincarnation but people, spirits, staying behind, not at all.

The shimmer of the bell was heard, both Brennan girls looked at the door, Lauren was walking slowly at the table, a small smile on her lips, the smile of hope, it saddened Destiny, but all she had to do was stay quiet, listen and observe, that was all.

"Morning Wendy, I know, but can I try something new today?" Lauren asked, taking a seat on the other side of the table, Wendy nodded her head and sat down across from her. Lauren pulled out from her bag a picture, four young boys, musical instruments in each. "This is the band my son was in, Sunset Curve, remember I had mentioned it?" There was a hint of breaking in between her words.

"I do remember, who are the boys that had passed away Lauren?" She asked with the picture now in her hands. Lauren pointed them out, the three boys in the corner "I am very sorry again for this loss." Wendy pressed her lips together, showing compassion to the elderly. "I'll see what I can do."

Wendy Brennan gripped gently the hands of Lauren, her posture straightened, clearing her throat Wendy called out for the spirits on the other side. Her eyes were closed, to help her focus even more on the silence that was around her.

"Spirits on the other side, may I speak to Reginald Peters." She paused for a moment, Wendy gave the spirits time, time for someone to talk to her, but the pause was a little bit longer before she could speak again. "Reginald Hayes, I am here with your mother, she wants to speak with you." Another pause. No answer. Wendy opened her eyes looking down at the picture on the table. "What were their names Lauren?" The woman pointed out at the two boys next to Reginald, Lauren sniffed and smiled at the faces of the young boys.

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