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Destiny had gotten so lost inside her thoughts that she didn't notice the moment Julie had grabbed Luke's notebook and was checking out their songs. News like these had to come out now, but maybe this could also be a distraction to them and tonight they had to be in their best, no distractions, nothing that could pull their focus out. Destiny's eyes fell on Reggie, she had heard his name too many times, how was it possible she didn't recognize him almost immediately, the picture she had once seen back in those days appeared back on her mind. The joy in his eyes as he posed next to the rest of the band, but there was someone else in that picture, someone who wasn't here, maybe they didn't die with them. But their name was never mentioned by Lauren when she went to the sessions, so, Destiny brushed it aside.

"Who's Emily?" Julie asked, everyone turned to look at Luke who's smile vanished, panic overcame him.

"That one's not dog-eared" He leaned forward but Julie was faster to take a step back and continue reading the page, Luke gripped tightly onto his guitar strap.

"If you could only know that I never let you go." Julie recited the lyrics Luke wrote for the mystery girl. Destiny bit the inside of her cheek, a smile drawing on her lips at the sound of the lyric. Julie looked up at him, a smile on her face as well. "Wow Luke, I didn't know you were such a romantic." Julie said, Alex appeared beside his friend, his face changed too.

"He's not, that's actually about," Alex was interrupted by Luke saying it was no one, the clenched jaw indicated he didn't want him to continue talking about the subject.

Emily? That name didn't right a bell on Destiny, no girl or woman named Emily came to her memory who wanted to speak to a guy named Luke. Somehow just thinking that it broke Destiny's heart.

"That's just something that I tried and," Luke leaned forward again but the notebook was pulled closer to Julie's chest "But if you go to the next dog-eared page, I got a tune that's just, it's got a killer beat." Luke moved back to his spot, he stepped on the guitar pedal and started playing, the strings created a rock riff that sounded way too similar to a singer's song.

"So you wanna sample." Julie tilted her head as she sat back down, the confusion in the guys made it clear for the two girls they didn't really know what she meant.

"A sample is someone else's music, it can also be like a cover of someone's song." Destiny said, but now their confusion grew stronger.

"Me and my mom used to sing that song at the top of our lungs in the car all the time." Julie talked again, she had turned to look at Destiny as thanks for backing her up before turning back to see the guys. "It's a classic Trevor Wilson song." Trevor Wilson an amazing rock singer, Destiny had heard his music before and she liked it, if it wasn't for her brother introducing her to rock music with Trevor, she didn't know what she would be listening to now besides the songs from the radio.

"Nope, it's a classic our song." Luke leaned forward to Julie, emphasizing in our, making sure Julie understood that it came from his notebook.

"Pure Sunset Curve. Never even heard of Trevor Wilson." Reggie said with a chuckle, his arms were crossed against his chest. Destiny could understand why they haven't heard of Trevor, he appeared probably after their death or maybe Trevor had hit the radio after or something.

"Yeah, maybe you're mixing it up, you know, with another song." Alex said but both girls shook their heads at him.

"I don't mix songs, trust me." Julie snapped her finger and answered the blonde "Me and his daughter used to be best friends." Carrie, Destiny knew Julie was talking about Carrie. She never knew what had happened between them but one day coming back to school, neither of them spoke to each other and Carrie turned all mean on her. "I used to hang out at their place all the time, I know that song." The boys continued to not believe Julie, so she had to something to prove it to them, she turned around and grabbed her laptop, opening the explorer and searching up for Trevor Wilson. "His first album had a bunch of hits but none of his latest stuff is as good."

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