I Can't Lose You (Cal)

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"Claire," Cal's voice carries up stairs, "Come down when you're ready."

"You can do this," I sigh. "Just have to make him think you're better..."

I stand in front of the floor length room in our room and lift my shirt up slightly. I turn to the side and look at my reflection pinching parts of my stomach or sides. 'Just a little more off,' I think to myself, 'I can do it.'

"Hey," Calum's voice breaks my thoughts as he appears in the doorway. I drop the hem of my shirt and quickly turn around. "You coming?"

"Yeah," I smile and he leaves. "Shit," I mumble under my breath, "That was close." I run my hand through my hair before straightening out my outfit and walking downstairs.

Dinner consists of us sitting across the table, Calum staring at me as I occasionally took small bites of my food and then pushing the rest around on my plate.

"You need to eat," Calum says looking at me as he finishes and puts down his fork.

"I did," I shrug and push my plate away from me.

"You've been doing this the past couple days, you're not eating again. You can't keep doing this to yourself," his sighs running his hand through his hair, tugging on the ends. I can practically feel his eyes burning holes through me.

"I'm not doing anything," I state calmly as I can feel my heart quickening and my eyes beginning to water from the anger in his face.

"GOD DAMNIT CLAIRE!" he yells slamming his fist on the table causing me to jump, "I CAN'T KEEP WATCHING YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF. EAT SOMETHING FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! YOU'RE KILLING YOURSELF FOR FUCKS SAKE." I start to cry and his expression softens.

"No no no, Claire... I-I didn't mean for it to come out like that- God I fucked up. I'm sorry baby," he gets up and walks over to me. He gently lifts me from my chair and sits on the ground with me in front of him - his legs wrapped around me as he holds me tightly.

"I-I'm sorry," he whispers into my ear, "I didn't mean to yell. I just can't lose you, you're my everything.

"I'm sorry Cal, I j-just need you to h-help m-me," I hiccup, "I-I can't d-do this on my own."

"Don't worry baby, I'm here to help you with anything you need. But first let's try to finish this meal, yeah? Then we can snuggle in the couch and watch movies." I nod slightly. He helps me up and pulls me onto his lap as he sits down in my seat.

After dinner we both sit down on the couch as Calum pulls up Netflix, him lying down with my on top of him.

"Calum?" he looks down at me, "Thank you," I whisper.

He leans down and kisses my forehead, "I just need you here with me. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you," he says as he pulls me closer.

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