Singing Practice (Cal)

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Today Luke, Claire and I are sitting in the living room. Her and Luke on one couch while I'm on the other. Apparently I need to start singing from my diaphragm whatever that is. I don't see what the big deal is. Claire's been all over Luke ever since I started practicing a couple weeks ago and makes him sit with us. She's my girlfriend, I don't see why she needs him around. She goes on and on about how Luke can sing correctly and I need to be like him. It's making me sick.

"C'mon Cal, you need to practice this," she says as she sits cross legged staring at me.

"I don't want to," I mumble.

"Calum, don't be a baby about this. You need to do this," she stares at me.

"I can't."

"Luke," he looks at her, "sing for me?"

He stands up and starts singing some random song before he slumps back on the couch throwing his arm around Claire.

"See?" she turns towards me, "You need to do that."

"Well if you think Luke sings so well then why don't you go be with him," I scoff.

"Calum that's not what I-"

"Save it. Go have fun with Luke," I snap and get up leaving the room. I walk upstairs to my room and slam the door behind me. I lie down in bed and bury my face in my pillow trying to calm myself down. After a couple minutes the door opens and then shuts softly. I turn my back to the door knowing it was Claire. She crawls in bed and climbs on top of me.

"Calum," she whispers, "Please don't be mad. You know that's not what I meant."

I feel something wet dip onto my face and I look up to see her crying. I made my baby cry, how awful am I? I sit up and wrap my arms around her as tears slowly roll down her face. I run my thumbs across her cheeks wiping them away.

"I'm sorry I yelled," I try to look at her but she stares at her lap.

"I-I just d-don't want-t you t-to damage your v-voice," she hiccups. She looks up at me with watery eyes, "Calum, you sing from your throat. You know what happens to people who do that? They damage their vocal chords and most can't sing anymore. I can see you straining your voice and I don't want you to not be able to sing anymore. If you lose your singing voice who will sing me to sleep? Who will sing to me when I'm sad? Who will sing with me in the car? I just want you to learn now before it's too late and Luke knows how so I thought he could help," she rambles as the words rush out of her mouth. She runs her hand through her hair and sighs, "I'm sorry. You don't have to practice anymore if you don't want to."

"I know you're just looking out for me and I was just jealous that Luke can do it but I can't. I just get so frustrated sometimes and seeing you be proud of Luke and not me made me upset. I'm sorry," I gently kiss her lips.

"I am proud of you," she looks up at me, "I am so proud of you. That's why I want you to do this, you've worked so hard for everything that you've accomplished and I don't want you to lose it because you can't sing. Yes, I am proud of Luke because he can sing. But your voice is the one I fell in love with." She cups my face in her small hands as her eyes search mine, "I am so lucky that you picked me," she whispers.

"No I'm the lucky one," I place my hands on top of hers, "You're the most beautiful, funny, smart, amazing girl that I've ever met and for some reason you chose me. Out of all of the guys in the world, even the ones who are better than me, you picked me to be your boyfriend. God, I love you so much. I don't think I could ever stop loving you since the moment I met you."

She smiles at me before wrapping her arms around my neck. She buries her face in the crook of my neck and whispers, "I love you Calum Thomas Hood with all of my heart, now and forever."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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