Diver down (1)

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(Play song when I say)

A dead body rolls past us as a crying Lana shouts out for her past husband.

A blonde girl had said that his name was scooter.I recognize him as a poor man living on the cut.she then pulls out her phone and shows John b. "Dead bodyyy" she says dragging the last word she then pans it over to me and I quickly look away standing up abruptly catching the group by surprise not knowing seeing a dead body would bother me so much.I hadn't seen one in a long time,seeing another brought back bad memories.

I place a hand over my mouth and walk away to the end of the dock away from the group running a hand through my hair,getting flashbacks of not so good times.

After a while my mind races flashing back to the dead body making me hold my stomach. "Hey you alright?" I voice from behind me is heard.I turn around and see JJ.

My mind flashes to the sight of blood shedding onto the grass in big amounts and the person coughing up blood to my side as I cried.I couldn't do anything.

I start to gag and quickly lean over the side of the dock throwing up.JJ quickly hops into action and grabs my hair holding it back and rubbing my back.I tear falls from my eye from slight pain and slight disturbance.JJ hands me his water bottle and I take a sip of it swishing it in my mouth and spitting it out then washing the taste down.

He then lets go of my hair and I look into the water. "Sorry you had to see that" I say quietly taking another sip of water. "No it's fine,but why did it bother you so much?" He asks. I just shrug and he pats my back and walks off. "Shit" I mutter to myself.

After of calming myself and getting my stomach and thoughts to chill out I walk back over.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and look to see pope he gives me a light hearted smile not knowing for the reason but not caring.I give him a weak smile to show that I'm fine.and lean on him.everyone is used to my touchy feely around them cause that's my love language,physical touch.I always feel the need to be holding there hand or touching then...I guess to show how much I care for them.it's hard to explain.

We found out that the Grady white we had found in the marsh is Scooters.


"All right,so think it,pope,how does a marina rat get a Grady white" John b asks us now at his dock fishing.

"Prostitution?" I speak up from beside JJ who is fishing,He chuckles.

"Square groupers,bro,okay,flying under the radar,no aerial surveillance.they don't do that stuff during a hurricane..what does that mean.dava?" John b points to me "they were straight smugglin'"

"Smugglin',and I guarantee there's a serious amount of contraband in that wreck"

"Hell yeah" JJ says as he starts the rill in his line "fish on" he says and I chuckle.

"For the record,if that is a smuggling ship with illegal contraband on the inside of it...it probably belongs to someone else"

"Minor detail" Kie speaks up

"They could come looking for it taking it would be catastrophically stupid" pope finishes "right.well,stupid things have good outcomes all the time" JJ says reaching over a taking the stack of money from the safe he had stolen with the gun. "All we need to do is figure out a way to get into that cargo hold of that wreck.until then,we just lay low"

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