Chapter one

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I awake to impatient banging at my door. A voice follows the knocks but my brain has not yet awoken so I do not process what was spoken to me. Standing up as quick as I could, I rush to my door flinging it open. "What!" I shouted. No one was there. I flick my head to the right then left, and sure enough, there was Sam strolling down the hall.

He turns around to face me with a smile on his face. "Meeting in five minutes, just reminding you psycho" He shouts down at me continuing his way down the corridor.

I slam my door putting my back against it and sliding down to a crouch. Sometimes I wonder why I chose this life. Then I remember it was either this or be locked up for the rest of my days as I am 'too dangerous to be out on the streets'. There was nothing supernatural about me per say. People were just fascinated by my drive for inflicting pain and spilling the blood of my enemies.

Psychopathic even.

At the age of 12 I had put three of my classmates in comas simply because they told me that my parents didn't love me. I guess that was true in a way. Three years prior to that my mother had one of her friends round and she brought her children. My idea of play time and fun wasn't exactly the same as other kids. I call it fatal fun. As much as my mother tried to deny it, I was becoming a problem. Over the next two months I had violent outbursts too big to be contained at home. S.H.E.I.L.D found out and took me to a mental facility to be examined. They drugged me, did copious amounts of tests and found nothing. I was a normal 9 year old girl who had the skills of a highly qualified agent and the blood thirst of lion at the peak of hunting. I spent months there and my parents didn't come to see me once. It was hard but my parents never showed love or affection. All they showed was fear. Fear towards their own daughter.

Fear is the hardest to get rid of. If you get rid of the source of your fear your problems start to decrease. So that's what my parents did, they got rid of the root of their terror.


An agent had told me about my abandonment and I went into a frenzy. Tears streamed down my face as my sobs grew louder and louder. My actions becoming more crazier by the second. I teared every inch of my cell apart, my body contorting in unnatural ways to escape the grasps of the guards as I gave each and every one of them lethal hits. My head was clouded with the thoughts of my parents never loving me, and them leaving me. They needed to pay for what they did. And they did. With their lives. As I said, I am not merciful, so killing people who deserved it is no chore. You may not think they deserved it, but in my eyes they always will.

No one thought a sweet little girl would go savage towards her parents. However, I am no sweet little girl. I am a murderous, conniving villain who has no control over the stuff she does. She especially doesn't deserve anything good in her life. Even love.

After my violent outburst, I had no contact with the outside world for two years. For two years I had shown brilliant behaviour. This meant that they could trust me to step into the open. After a few trips to the outside world, they let me start to attend a private school. I had a bodyguard follow me everywhere (more for the other students sake) and everyone - including faculty- was told not to provoke me. One day my teacher wanted to have a word with my personal agent so both left the room. Three students took advantage of this and taunted me until I snapped. I tried my hardest to stop myself, but they were really asking for it. I unleashed myself on them and I had enough self control to not kill them but that didn't stop me from severely hurting them. My agent came rushing in and pulled me off of them. I spat at them as I was dragged away, a smug smirk proudly worn.

I've never been allowed to go to a proper school since then. I'm 19 now and I hardly get to go out. My role in the avengers is to train new members and if things get really bad for the avengers an they can't handle it themselves, I get to go out on a mission and save them. Which has happened three times in my seven years of being here. I'm really a the last of last resorts because I am too dangerous.

Pulling myself back to the present, I get up and throw on a black long-sleeved blouse and a black trousers. I dress to not be seen, that's why black is my go to colour. I slip a knife into my sock and I straighten myself up in the mirror.

"Today will be good" I reassure myself with a smile I try not to look as fake as possible. My main target with meeting and being with people is to not look menacing or like I'm about to kill you. Thor doesn't really see social cues and personalities, which is why he talks freely with me. He's the closest person I've got to a friend.

Killer Queen ~ Loki LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now