Chapter seven

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That night I couldn't sleep. I stayed up reading and watching the cars drive past. The night exudes tranquility, unlike the day time when everything is awake. Eventually I did fall asleep and must've gotten about two hours.

It was now around midday and there was a knock at my door. "Come in" I shout turning to face the them.

"Hey, are you okay?" Nat says entering my room. She stays by the door, leaning on a cabinet.

"Yeah, I'm okay" I say with a tired smile.

"Okay well Tony is having a party tonight and we were wondering if you wanted to come?"

I really don't want to but something is telling me I need to meet new people. "That sounds cool, yeah"

"Awesome, the party starts at eight and you don't have to go for long, just show your face" Nat says with a smile before leaving. "Oh also," she pops her head back in, "Tony's invited someone he thinks you'll like"

"Like as in a person to date?" I say with furrowed brows.

"Yeah, you need to get out there in the dating world. Apparently he's really nice. And a business man" Nat says with a wink before exiting the room for real.

To be honest that makes me not want to go even more but I'm sure it won't be that bad.

The hours before the party I squeeze in a quick training session before grabbing something to eat in the kitchen.

As I walk in everyone seems to have the same idea as me and are all eating their hearts out. I start to make myself a sandwich as Nat bings up the date situation.

"Guys, did you know that Tony has set" she lingers on my name, "up with one of his young business friends" she smirks as I see everyone's heads turn to face me.

"Come on, it's not like I'll actually like him" I laugh, going to sit down on the sofa next to Sam and Bucky who both munching on some pasta. Nat and Steve are opposite us.

"What if he's a douche?" Sam says.

"Then, we'll have to beat him up" Nat jokes as Thor walks in.

Thor has a look of confusion on his face, "who are we beating up?"

I sigh, "Tony's set me up with one of his friends for tonight." As soon as I say that Loki strides in and we eye each other menacingly as he sits at the kitchen island and starts to read.

"My lady, tell me about this man worthy of your heart" Thor exclaims can sitting down in the armchair across from me.

"That's the thing, I don't know anything about him. Only that he's around my age, right Nat?" I exclaim to him.

Nat nods her head, "I'm sure he'll be really nice, Tony has the best friends" she says reassuringly.

I look over to where Loki is sat by himself and he seems to divert his eyes away and back to his book. His knuckles become tense around the pages.

"I think I'm going to get ready, I'll see you guys at the party" I say putting my plate in the dishwasher and walking off to my room.

What to wear? I have hardly any party clothing as I never normally tend to go. However, tonight I need to make a good impression on whoever this guy is. I decided to go simple with a black mini dress with long sleeves and I square neckline. I pair it black boots that come up just below my knee. I leave my hair down and give it a quick brush.

Once I'm ready I make my way to the where the party is and guests are already starting to file in. I spot Nat over at the bar so walk over to her.

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